Here is a list of contact details that you may need. Please select the category you are looking for.
Please note:
This information provided in this contact list belongs to The Methodist Church in Singapore (MCS). If there are any errors or omissions please contact the Web Feedback Team.
Information provided in this contact list is to help direct you to the respective websites of the agencies/organisations, which would contain the most current updated contact details. This list is provided for the use of Methodists, potential Methodists and their friends in conducting church and/or personal business. PLEASE DO NOT use any of the contact info for commercial solicitations or for sending spam. Please respect this policy.
It is the policy of the Council on Communications of MCS not to provide the e-mail list of leaders and officers of MCS to entities outside of MCS in a form that can be readily used for mass electronic mailings. This includes not providing the mailing list to commercial enterprises for a fee. This policy is made in an effort to protect the privacy of conference members. The only exceptions to this policy would be extraordinary circumstances and by mutual agreement of all parties concerned.