Membership is by profession of faith or membership transfer from another church. You must be a baptised Christian to be a member. The membership of a local Methodist church shall include all baptised persons have come into membership by profession of faith, or by transfer from another church, and whose names have not been removed by death, transfer, withdrawal, or removal for cause. — The Book of Discipline of The Methodist Church in Singapore ¶107
The local Methodist pastor, or a person appointed by the pastor, can instruct you on this matter.
All persons seeking to be saved from their sins and sincerely desiring to be Christian in faith and practice are proper candidates for membership in The Methodist Church. When such persons offer themselves for membership, it shall be the duty of the pastor, or of proper persons appointed by the pastor, to instruct them in the meaning of the Christian faith and the history, organisation, and teaching of The Methodist Church, using materials approved by The Methodist Church to explain to them the baptismal and membership vows; and to lead them to commit themselves to Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. When they shall have professed their faith in Christ and have made known their desire to live their lives as disciples of Jesus Christ and agreed to assume the obligations of being faithful members of The Methodist Church, after a reasonable period of training, and after the Sacrament of Baptism has been administered to those who have not been previously baptised, the pastor shall bring them before the congregation, administer the vows receive, them into the fellowship of the Church, and duly enrol them into full membership. —The Book of Discipline of The Methodist Church in Singapore ¶117