1. We believe that God is the Creator of all people, regardless of race, creed, status or sex, and that each person is of infinite worth. We believe that all persons have supreme value in the sight of God and ought to be so regarded by us.
2. We believe that the earth is the Lords and the fullness thereof. Our own abilities and all we possess are gifts from God and should be held and used in stewardship to Him.
3. We believe that God in Christ is seeking to redeem all people and societies. We believe that the grace of God in Christ is available for redemption from individual and social sins as we seek to do His Holy will in penitence and obedience.
4. Since Jesus died and was raised from the dead for the redemption of all people, we believe we should live to help save humanity from sin and from every influence which would harm or destroy a person. All institutions and practices will be tested by their effect upon persons.
5. The Methodist Church must view the perplexing times and problems we face today in the light of the life and teaching of Jesus. Jesus teaches us to love our neighbours and to seek justice for all. Silence and passivity in the face of need, injustice and exploitation is to deny Christ. –Discipline ¶82
FAQ – Social Concerns
The following statements constitute the official views of the General Conference of The Methodist Church in Singapore on gambling:
a) Gambling is an expression of one desire to instant wealth. It is a form of bondage and a social sickness motivated by greed and covetousness. It is also a menace to society as it compromises the best interests of moral, social, economic and spiritual life of the community. b) We do not subscribe to any form of gambling. –Discipline¶85
Here is the official MCS statement::
We consider the practice of homosexuality to be incompatible with Christian teachings. However, we do recognise that homosexual persons are individuals of sacred worth. They need the ministry and guidance of the Church as well as the spiritual and emotional support of a caring fellowship. –Discipline¶84
Here is the official MCS statement:
a) We believe that planned parenthood, practised with respect for human life, fulfils rather than violates the will of God. It is the duty of each married couple prayerfully and responsibly to seek parenthood, avert it, or defer it in accordance with the best expression of their Christian love. b) We affirm that life begins at conception and that the human embryo is not simply a mass of tissue that has the potential. We therefore do not subscribe to abortion except on medical grounds. We call on all Christians to a searching and prayerful inquiry in situations in which abortion may be contemplated and to seek medical, pastoral, and other appropriate counselling. –Discipline¶84
The official MCS statement reads as follows:
a) We believe that God is always seeking to alleviate human suffering and we are called to the channels of His grace and love to those who are dying. b) The time between diagnosis of terminal illness and the event of death can be transformed into a time of blessing and an opportunity for emotional and spiritual growth through the loving concern of those providing hospice care. c) We do not subscribe to euthanasia for those who are terminally ill as euthanasia fails to recognise the spiritual dimension of life. We full endorse hospice care as the more humane alternative to euthanasia. –Discipline¶88
This is the MCS official position:
a) We affirm the sanctity of the marriage covenant which is expressed in love, mutual support, personal commitment, and fidelity between a man and a woman. We reject social norms that assume different standards for women than for men in marriage. b) The Church views with great concern the increasing number of divorces and affirms the need for adequate premarital and marital counselling as well as marriage enrichment programmes. We also encourage an active and supportive commitment of the church and our society to minister to the divorced and their families. –Discipline¶84