Oh, magnify the Lord with me,
and let us exalt his name together!
Psalm 34:3

In the world of authors, our storytelling prowess is based on how well we entertain, tickle the imaginations of the reader and bring them on an emotional journey. Our duty is to use fiction to tell a truth. I come from such a world.

However, when we are telling God’s stories, it is no longer fiction. And in fact, the storyteller is not us, but God himself. The protagonists in the stories are you and me. He is the author of our lives, and the perfecter of our faith.

This age-old publication we call Methodist Message has been the collective voice of the Methodists in Singapore (and for a time, Malaya) for more than a century. What a precious heritage and what a serious responsibility we have in putting out God’s stories to inspire, edify and affirm.

Going forward, we would like to position Methodist Message as the ‘go-to’ publication of The Methodist Church in Singapore, reaching out to all Methodists and reflecting God’s heartbeat not only in the General Conference, but also the three Annual Conferences and our 46 churches. Church communications, we feel, is not a function but a ministry. Through our coverage, we hope to share God’s love and amazing grace for all, and point readers to God.

In this issue, Victorious, we have stories of Methodists who have struggled against the norm, and overcame hurdles that were so overwhelming, only because God was there. Every victory that we reap in Jesus’ name should be shouted out from the mountain top, and I’m glad they did.

There are plans to take Methodist Message to greater heights, starting with a major website revamp and refreshed print newsletter. But a new website or stylish newsletter will only garner repeated visits and grow in readership when we are able to keep our content fresh – and for that, we need your support.

The Methodist Message team ­– led by Alvin Tay, the Managing Editor and myself – wants to help you tell God’s stories that are happening in your churches, and in your lives. If you have good stories to share, write to us at Or better still, join our team as a volunteer writer, reporter, copy editor, proofreader, photographer, or videographer.

So come, magnify the Lord with us. Let us exalt his name together!

~ Lianne Ong, Editor

Methodist Message Editors

Lianne Ong, Editor

Lianne is an award-winning children’s author, and has published 16 children’s books. In her free time, she conducts school visits and writing workshops. As a freelance writer, her work ranged from writing human interest stories and video script-writing for clients such as Singapore Kindness Movement and Singapore Chinese Orchestra. She and her husband worship at Kampong Kapor Methodist Church, and have two children, age 15 and 10. Lianne actively serves in the choir and until recently, served in the Media & Comms Ministry as editor.

Alvin Tay, Managing Editor

Alvin Tay was previously the Editor of The Business Times and then Managing Editor of the English/Malay/Tamil Media Group at Singapore Press Holdings. He retired in 2018 following a silent retreat at Seven Fountains in Chiangmai where he discerned God’s call to leave the corporate world and focus on voluntary church and charity work. He and his wife, Wendy, worship at Wesley Methodist Church, and have two sons, age 32 and 29. Alvin is currently Wesley MC’s Associate Lay Leader for Communications and Missions, and is volunteering as Managing Editor of Methodist Message.
