COMPANIONS in Christ Leaders’ Training




9:00AM - 1:00PM

Course Description:

You will be trained to lead a 28-week course, which offers small group experience in spiritual formation
Learn classic spiritual practices, and develop new daily patterns
Deepen relationship with God and with the group
Help build spiritual companions in Christ, support each other and take a spiritual journey
Fee: $140 (includes 2 light breakfasts, 1 lunch, 1 love feast, leader’s guide and training materials)

Closing Date: 24 December 2020

To register, click here. For more information, please email, visit or, or call +65 6765 5301.

About Companions in Christ
The Companions in Christ (CIC) series offer a powerfully transforming small group experience that builds spiritual practices within congregations, helping participants be more fully open to God and to one another. CIC encompasses 28 weeks of Scripture reading of regular sessions beginning with a reading followed by five daily exercises that help illuminate the theme and prepare for the small group meeting.
