$100.00 (Free for TTC Alumni and TTC Matriculated Students – Registration required)
The playwright George Bernard Shaw is dubiously quoted as saying that “politics is the last resort for the scoundrels”. Boies Penrose, a former US Senator, once said “public office is the last refuge of the incompetent”. Though tongue-in-cheek, these quotes suggest why politics is often considered a dirty word. There is a sense of cynicism, frustration, and even despair whenever politics is mentioned. Yet this was not always so. Celebrated thinkers in the Christian tradition have seen politics, if disciplined and informed by a robust Christian faith, as a vocation of high dignity and nobility. This course examines politics from biblical and theological perspectives. Participants will read key figures in the Western Christian political tradition and attempt to recover a theological vision of the good of politics and also consider how this vision might shape political ethics, such as issues of law, justice, human rights and the common good.
Rev Dr Nathanael Goh is a pastor from the Chinese Annual Conference of The Methodist Church in Singapore. He is pastoring at Sengkang Methodist Church. An advocate for the importance of Christian ethics and moral formation, his interests are at the intersection of Scripture, theology, and ethics—especially a retrieval of Christian theological visions of the common good.