Me, A Missionary? (MMS)




9:00AM - 11:30AM



Me, A Missionary?
Sat 27 Aug 22, 9:30am – 11:30am
Check-in: 9:00am – 9:30am
via Zoom

Me, a missionary? What qualities do missionaries need? What are the ministries they do? How do I prepare myself and my family spiritually, emotionally, mentally, physically, and financially to go on to the cross-cultural field?

Come, realistically explore these questions via ZOOM so that you can be better empowered to be a missionary or to send others to cross-cultural fields

Hear the following leaders share their experiences in serving cross-culturally including financial considerations, family matters, and the fundamentals of preparation like connecting with home church and training.

Rev Dr Aaron Tay

    • Formerly a missionary on Doulos and in Cambodia, he is a TRAC Pastor-In-Charge and Director of Methodist Schools!

Rasanya Isabella Gnasegaran
A young missionary teacher from Toa Payoh Tamil Methodist Church, serving at St Paul Methodist School, Timor-Leste since 2019.

Vincent Lim
An urban church planter from Faith Methodist Church serving together with his young family in Khon Kaen, Northeast Thailand since 2018.

Carol Ong
Senior Missionary of more than two decades to Cambodia, she hails from Toa Payoh Methodist Church and has served in various capacities on the field.

Who should attend?

  • Anyone exploring to be a missionary
  • Senior, Working & Young Adults
  • Missions Leaders
  • Pastors & Church Staff


Sign up now @! Organised by Methodist Missions Society (MMS), for enquiries, please email
