Complete response form at www.mms.org.sg/mite
or direct enquiries to mms@methodist.org.sg

The MMS MITE programme is designed to send believers to the mission fields for a period of between one and six months, enabling believers to “Serve, Learn and Grow” while experiencing the work and life of a missionary in the field. For some, it will be the perfect opportunity to discern God’s specific calling in their lives.

“Looking back at where God has led me over my time there, I’d never have expected God to have such a wide array of colourful experiences in store for me. One of the biggest takeaways is the unique privilege to play front-row spectator to the inspiring lives of the missionaries. With the opportunity to live with them, I saw how zealously they were working for the Lord.” ~ MITE participant to Cambodia

Organised by Methodist Missions Society (MMS)
