The Faith We Sing 2023 (MSM)




7:30PM - 9:30PM



The Faith We Sing
A New Alleluia ~ Fri 8 Sep 2023, 7:30pm to 9:30pm
A Special Alleluia ~ Sat 9 Sep 2023 9:00am to 11:30am

The Faith We Sing is an annual event organised by Methodist School of Music (MSM) that creates opportunities for participants to delve deeper into the songs sung by the church across the ages. This year, the theme is family.

A songwriting showcase of new, locally-composed songs on the theme of family.

More than ever before, the family is under increasing stress today. Inter-generational tensions are rising, and the love of many has grown cold, causing families – even Christian ones – to break down.

Earlier this year, several songwriters responded to our call to write new songs on the family which churches can sing. We desired to rediscover, revisit and embrace what being a Christian family means, and now, we’re ready to share the songs and build a new worship experience for families together.

Come and be part of the premiere of these songs, or join in a singing retreat with practical courses to explore what family worship can look like!

Date: 8 September 2023 (Friday)
Time: 7:30 – 9:30pm

The Unfailing Light
49 Cuff Road,  Singapore 209756
(Near Kampong Kapor Methodist Church)

Cost: Free

Registration closes 30 Aug. Sign up here.

Click here for more information.

A singing retreat about family for Christian families.

All families are welcome, including those with special needs children!

What’s in store for you and your family:

  • Discover God’s desire for families (both biological and spiritual) through song
  • Sing old and new Christian songs that help families live up to their calling
  • Experience what inclusive inter-generational worship could be like
  • Participate and bond over music-making activities as a family

Date: 9 September 2023 (Saturday)
Time: 9 – 11:30am

Pentecost Methodist Church
4 Pasir Ris Drive 6
Singapore 519420

Cost: $25 per family (up to 8 pax)

Registration closes 12 Aug. Sign up here.

Click here for more information.

Organised by the Methodist School of Music (MSM), for more information, please visit or contact MSM via email
