The Giving Methodist: Step Out of the Boat





The Giving Methodist
2 Mar – 14 Apr 2022 (Lent)

The waves of COVID-19 continue to do damage to the livelihoods of low-income households; a research in February 2021 found that the median monthly household income among 1,200 applicants for a COVID-19 family assistance fund had fallen by a whopping 69% — from $1,600 to about $500. The damage has continued for the least fortunate; their boats are wrecked, leaving them struggling in the rough seas.

While we want to help, we often do not know where to start. Perhaps we have prayed, as Peter did, for Jesus to give us the strength to do the impossible.

“Lord, if it’s you,” Peter replied,
“tell me to come to you on the water.”
“Come,” he said. Then Peter got down out of the boat,
walked on the water and came toward Jesus.”
Matthew 14:28-29

“Come,” was Jesus’ answer to Peter. A simple command, and a word of affirmation that the impossible is indeed possible. Jesus commanded him to step out of the boat to see what he could truly do, and he did the impossible — effortlessly.

As part of the Methodist family, we have the opportunity to heed God’s call as Peter did. Our neighbours are in need, and struggling in the rough seas. Step out of your boat — offer them your hand and show them love, for the love that we have was given by the Lord, and meant to be given freely to others.

What is the good we seek to do? In these times, doing good means caring for the physical, mental and emotional well-being of those who are struggling even more. Like Christ who never ceased to show us grace, let us persevere in doing good. Sometimes all we need is a giving heart, and a little faith.

Three Ways to Step Out

  1. Give Time
  2. Give a Donation
  3. Give Voice

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The Giving Methodist
