Understanding Violence and Harmful Practices
in our Families and Community Sat 4 Nov 2023, 2:00pm to 4:00pm
Sophia Blackmore Hall (Level 6)
The Methodist Centre
70 Barker Road
Singapore 309936
All ladies* are invited to this talk on Understanding Violence and Harmful Practices in our Families and Community by speaker Mrs Esther Tzer Wong.
Organised by GC WSCS, this event is for ladies only.
GC WSCS is affiliated to the World Federation of Methodist and Uniting Church Women (WFMUCW) and belongs to East Asia Area (EAA). The WFMUCW is a fellowship of recognised groups of Methodist, United and Uniting Church Women organised in Units from participating nations. These Units are combined in nine geographical areas.
World Federation Day (WFD) is celebrated annually by local communities in these nine geographical areas to unite women in common study, worship and action. This observance commemorates the signing of the original charter establishing the World Federation of Women on 26 October 1939.
* All ladies of general public, including Christians/non-Christians; church goers/members; non-church goers