Happenings, News

200 pick up Youth Ministry skills

CAC training draws participants from various denominations

YOU are in the Youth Ministry; but you lack specific youth ministry skills. Chances are the skills you picked up were more from observation, books or on-site experiences. Where do you turn to for training?

Nearly 200 workers, youth leaders and pastors turned to the 2nd Youth Ministry Skills Training event held at Bukit Panjang Methodist Church from July 18-20, 2002.

Organised by the Chinese Annual Conference’s Board of Discipleship and Nurture, the training sought to attract participants from the whole spectrum of the Singaporean Christian community. And that was achieved. There were groups and individuals from the Anglican, Assembly of God, Baptist, Brethren, Evangelical Free, Full Gospel, Lutheran, Methodist, Presbyterian, and the Independent churches. Para-church organisations such as the YMCA and NavTeens also sent their staff.

Bishop Dr Robert Solomon gave the opening devotion and shared his concern for the church youth ministries in Singapore.

The speakers for the three-day event, inclusive of two night rallies, were from YouthSpecialties; a non-denominational organisation that has provided training for youth workers in the United States for the past 30 years. Mr Mark Oestreicher, Mr Marv Penner and Mr Dave Ambrose, each a specialist in various fields of youth ministry, led the sessions. This year, the training focused on the issues of Youth Leadership, Peer mentoring and Family-based youth ministry. There were also sessions on youth Worship and Programming.

The Rev Poh Heow Lee is the Director of Youth Ministry of the Chinese Annual Conference of The Methodist Church in Singapore and Pastor of Bukit Panjang Methodist Church.

