The Church is the most important institution in the world. The assembly of the redeemed, the company of the saints, and the children of God are more significant than any other group or organisation. God has not called together mere servants or “employees” to work for Him. He has raised up children who will participate in the “family business” out of a sense of love and mutual commitment.
Brief History
Pasir Panjang Tamil Methodist Church (MC) started in 1927 at Brickworks, near Alexandra Road. It was led by lay people who had a burden to reach out to the migrant workers from India.
In 1972, the church shifted to Pasir Panjang Road, to the residence of the late Rev Daniel. For the next four years, that was where the Sunday School, our regular services and even our Vacation Bible School was held. We grew over the years and a pressing need for a permanent building arose.
In 1976, God helped us through the General Conference to acquire a piece of land at Wishart Road. God continued to bless us with much growth and in 1986, a second floor was added.
Our Bible Study group meets on Wednesdays from 7.30 to 8.30 p.m. This is a great way for each of us to fellowship with others, grow in our Christian life and understand God’s Word better. Group study gives us the opportunity to ask questions, share experiences, and find support and encouragement to study God’s Word in an easy-to-understand way. The Rev Prabhu has been leading us in these studies for the past three years. Response has been so good that we have members from other churches attending these classes.
Youth Ministry
The youth have been actively taking part in the ministries of the church. Most of them are involved in the Sunday worship service, preparing the worship slides, and serving as backup singers and musicians. They also accompany the WSCS on visitations to nursing homes. Every second Sunday of the month, they gather for Bible study. Our prayers for them are that they will continue to build a stronger network of mentors and lay leadership for the future.
Teck Whye Outreach
The Teck Whye Ministry is now in its sixth year. With Methodist Church of the Incarnation providing one of their rooms for Sunday service, we now have sufficient volunteers to lead the worship service. By His grace, we have seen lives turned around, sins forgiven and our Lord Jesus Christ glorified through the birth of His children. To date, we have held four baptism services, the most recent one in February. Such growth continues to motivate our volunteers in the midst of all the challenges.
Social Concerns
Our Social Concerns Committee has been befriending the residents who live around the church vicinity and encouraging them to participate in church activities. They also provide short term financial assistance to needy families identified by church members. Home visitation to the poor and needy families identified by the Methodist Welfare Services is carried out to lend a listening ear, advise on available financial aid and bless with gifts of daily essentials.
The Church is called to proclaim and manifest the Kingdom of God. Last year, a team made a mission trip to Myanmar. What the team observed was that there were so many children in the Dhalla area. Plans are being made to help the local church teachers to fulfil their role as shepherds of Christ to nurture faith in the hearts of children while they are still young.
Methodist Men
The Methodist Men’s fellowship meets every third Sunday of the month for a time of prayer, testimony and fellowship. This has given an opportunity for the men to come together and share their life experiences as well as encourage one another.
Women’s Fellowship
The women’s ministry is the most active among all the church ministries. During the year they are involved in many activities and ministries, not only within the church, but also in our local community. One of the places they frequently visit is the MWS Bethany Nursing Home in Choa Chu Kang. Talking to the elderly and serving food are some of the ministries in which they have actively taken part.
Healing Service
Every fourth Sunday is observed as a healing service. Those who need prayer are invited to come forward after the service to be prayed for individually.
Looking back over the years, all we can do is praise God for the blessings He has poured on us. With prayer and by the power of God we will see great things happening in the lives of the members of Pasir Panjang Tamil MC.
Andrew Prabagar is the lay leader of Pasir Panjang Tamil Methodist Church. / Photos courtesy of Pasir Panjang Tamil Methodist Church