A Creative Word
Copious words
from scholar, priest or saint
make no indent
like a word from the Master
that cuts through bone and marrow
into the hidden chamber of thought and
and brings into being
in a single day
what takes a millennium
in the puny mind of man.
The Lord speaks into the dark
and there is light,
into despondency
and there is joy,
into poverty
and there is wealth,
into disease
and there is restoration,
into madness
and there is sanity,
into turbulence
and there is peace.
Is there anything too hard for the Lord?
The wheelbarrow mind of man
can never comprehend
the thermonuclear might
of the Creator God,
that birthed a billion stars
into existence
with a word,
who shaped order
out of chaos
– slinging the galaxies
into place,
setting the sun on course
for time and seasons
and the moon to wield
the tides of the sea;
Who can conceive of God
sitting in the small world of an atom
but so immense
that the framework of the universe
cannot contain Him;
who can at once be everywhere,
and to whom all portals
of time and space
are open?
Could such a God like this love man,
the creature shaped
in His own image,
traitorous even in Paradise,
bringing sin and death
into Eden,
faithless and feckless
– could the Creator love man so much
that He would send
His own son, Jesus, into the world
as sacrificial Lamb for all mankind?
Can man reject such love and grace,
pardon and transformation,
and the eternal gift of life in
His presence?
John 3:16, Genesis 18:14, 1 Kings 8:27
Dr Oliver Seet is a member of Wesley Methodist Church and a Board Director of the Metropolitan YMCA.