This month’s “Page From The Past” reminds us that following God’s call can lead to fruitful and lasting ministry, even if we have to step out of our comfort zones. A language-based ministry started by non-native speakers 28 years ago is still going strong even today. This article, edited to provide context, was originally printed in the Oct 1988 issue of Methodist Message.
HOW FAR DO YOU THINK a Mandarin-speaking worship service can go when it has only a few English-speaking members to start with? Most people would say that the answer is: “Not very far.”
Eight members of Kampong Kapor Methodist Church (KKMC) did not accept that conclusion. They responded to a call initiated by the pastors to start the first Mandarin-speaking worship service in the history of KKMC.
The first session kicked off on August 15, 1985. Equipped with a mouthful of “broken Mandarin”, a guitar, and the pioneering eight, KKMC launched this ministry with the aim of reaching Chinese-speaking working-class eople in Singapore.
Ms Sally Ng, one of the pioneering eight members, said: “We literally spent the first few months learning to read and converse in Mandarin.” She later became a full-time staff ministering in the Mandarin-speaking ministry. She added:
“Much of our Mandarin was learned through singing Chinese songs.” The first year was tough going. Besides coping with the language problem, many found that they also had to make significant adjustments in their lifestyle to reach out to a totally different group of people. The working-class people began to filter in but the church still had not created the right ambience for them to stay.
Much time and effort was invested in pre-evangelism work without reaping any immediate results. At times it seemed the ministry was not making any headway. Mr Victor Ng, another one of the pioneering eight, confessed: There were times I just felt like quitting.” He continued: “The turning point for me came after the conversion of my mother at a gospel camp.”
During the second year, things began to pick up. The ministry started growing with many Mandarin-speaking members added to the congregation.
There was much to be thankful for as some 200 people came to celebrate the Mandarin-speaking ministry’s third Anniversary on August 28, 1988. With an attendance of about 100 each week, the Mandarin-speaking worship service had truly come of age. Besides the regular 4 pm worship service every Sunday, there were also a host of support activities like weekday cell meetings, Sunday School for both children and adults and evangelistic meetings.
Clearly, the pioneering days were over. What was in store for the future? Mr Ng Fook Kah, Chairman of the Mandarin-speaking ministry working committee, stated: “1989 will be a year of consolidation as the whole church moves back into the new church building.” The church had been worshipping at the Anglo-Chinese Primary School at Coleman Street for two years while their Kampong Kapor building was redeveloped and the sanctuary renovated.
He continued: “We are looking forward to see the Mandarin-speaking ministry becoming even more dynamic and potent in her outreach to working-class people in Singapore.”
The vision remained unchanged. What started as a vision for a few will now continue to spearhead the ministry into greater things for the Lord.
Original article was first published in Methodist Message October 1988, with no author attribution. KKMC’s Mandarin Ministry is still going and growing strong.
Edited by Grace Toh