Touch, You & Your Family

A most unusual but worthy prayer request

PRAY THAT I can pee. is must be one of the most unusual prayer requests I have ever been given. Yet it is probably one of the most needful, sincere and, may I add, worthy requests made.

Being able to pee, for this patient, is what stands between her discharge from hospital after a stay of more than two weeks and a continued, indefinite and uncomfortable extension.

The lady who made this prayer request is an elderly but active octogenarian who was admitted for a hip fracture. Her recovery had been on track until this unexpected complication cropped up.

Even the medical expertise and facilities in this modern day
and age is impotent in helping this patient with the simple act of emptying her bladder. is is a poignant reminder that healing is not entirely in man’s hands.

This woman’s prayer request draws our attention to the question: What do each of us pray for?

What do our prayers say about us? Many indeed pray for good health and others for wealth.

This woman’s request speaks of her need, not her wants. Many of our prayers may reflect a wish list cataloging our heart’s various desires.

The woman’s willingness to go to God with such an unglamorous supplication speaks of her frustration and yet of her confidence that there is nothing too base to bring to the throne of her Master. I believe it reflects her intimate relationship with God. We form close relationships with those who care for our most personal needs.

Being in a state of unease and discomfort is not a desirable place to be in. We are no longer feeling sufficient and in control. It makes us be more aware of our dependence and reliance upon God.

But can we say that she is deserving and her request is worthy to be granted? I would like to believe that God wants to give us every good gift (Every good and perfect gift is from above… James 1:17), including the gift of good health and relief from discomfort and suffering. He, however, is a sovereign God who gives according to His own time and His purposes.

Being in a state of unease and discomfort is not a desirable place to be in. However, it does force us to view life differently. We are no longer feeling sufficient and in control. It makes us be more aware of our dependence and reliance upon God.

So, if we have grown too self-reliant and overconfident, perhaps it would be good to think of this woman’s urgent prayer request for God’s divine intervention.

Benny Bong is a member of Kampong Kapor Methodist Church, is a family and marital therapist.

