Happenings, News

A new beacon for God’s Word

CONSTRUCTION work on the new Bible House is in progress.

In August last year, Bible House at 7 Armenian Street was demolished to make way for a new building which is expected to be completed in 2010. The new facility will house the offices of the Bible Society, the Bible Shop as well as a number of Christian organisations.

The redevelopment was spurred by a keen desire to fulfil a new vision for Bible House – with its strategic location in the heart of the civic district – that it may be “a beacon from which the light of God’s Word can shine forth to every corner of Singapore and even to the regions beyond”.

The project is expected to cost $15 million. It will have five storeys, two basements and a garden roof top. Long-term lessees, namely the Scripture Union, Youth for Christ, the Fellowship of Evangelical Students and the Christian Business Men’s Committee, will return to occupy offices in the new building. There will be space to welcome a number of new lessees. When fully operational, the new Bible House will be a centre of Christian activities and witness.

Its fund-raising initiative was launched with a dinner at the Meritus Mandarin Hotel on Aug 26 last year. Four hundred and fifty people came to celebrate God’s faithfulness in sustaining the ministry of the Bible Society of Singapore. The guests also enjoyed presentations by a string quartet led by Dr Luke Ho, the Voices of Praise Choir and jazz band Windworkz. We are grateful to Dr Stephen Riady for underwriting the cost of the dinner.

Another event was the Christmas Light Concert, held on Nov 21 last year at Victoria Concert Hall. Mr Gan Kim Yong, Elder, Chen Li Presbyterian Church and Acting Minister for Manpower, was the Guest-of-Honour. More than 750 people, including 25 children from The Salvation Army Gracehaven Children’s Home, attended the concert.

The event featured performances by Harp Unlimited, a string quartet, mezzo-soprano Ms Anna Koor and the Voices of Praise Choir. A cantata, performed by the Voices of Praise, celebrated the Light that came into the world, reminding people of the true reason for rejoicing at Christmas.

A spokesman said: “We praise God for the support received from friends and supporters, raising nearly $690,000 to date. Our fund-raising efforts continue in this new year as we press on to raise the shortfall needed to cover the cost of the project. We invite you to join hands with us in this endeavour.”

The Bible Society of Singapore is now operating from its interim offices at the St Andrew’s Village. Our address and contact details are:

The Bible Society of Singapore, Diocesan Centre Building (enter via Graham White Drive), 1 Francis Thomas Drive #01-06, Singapore 359340. Tel: 63373222; Fax: 63373036, email: info@bible.org.sg, website: www.bible.org.sg

Wendy Tay is the Personal Assistant to the General Secretary of The Bible Society of Singapore.

