Happenings, News

A Preaching Point in Woodlands

Fairfield MC’s outreach project held official inaugural service on June 1

WITH the singing of a great old hymn, “The church’s one foundation is Jesus Christ her Lord”, a new preaching point opened in Woodlands.

After months of careful planning and preparation, the Fairfield Preaching Point (FPP), an outreach project of Fairfield Methodist Church (FMC), conducted its official inaugural service on June 1, 2003.

First conceived in September 2001, this outreach project in Woodlands sprang to life under the leadership of the Rev David Wee, the Rev Peter Wong and Dr Roland Chia, and supported by the hard work of the steering committee, the firm backing of the leaders and the generosity of FMC members.

FPP conducted its first service on April 6, 2003 at a cinema auditorium at Causeway Point, and has since seen an average attendance of 80.

About 150 worshippers and guests were present at the inaugural service, including the President of Trinity Annual Conference, the Rev Dr Isaac Lim, a former pastor of Fairfield Methodist Church, the Rev Dr Clarence Lim, and the guest-of-honour and preacher, Bishop Dr Robert Solomon. In his brief address, the Rev Dr Isaac Lim commended Fairfield Methodist Church for establishing a preaching point in Woodlands.

Using 1 Thessalonians 1:10 as his text, Bishop Dr Solomon, in his sermon, spoke about the three theological virtues which characterised the church at Thessalonica – faith, hope and love – and exhorted members of the FPP to be established in them as well.

Following his sermon he made the official declaration opening Fairfield Preaching Point, “duly organised for the glory of God, the proclamation of the Gospel, and the service of humanity”.

The service also included a time of contemporary praise music and readings from Jeremiah, 1 Peter and Matthew. Later, the pastors, special guests and members of the steering committee proceeded for a celebratory lunch at the Crystal Jade Restaurant.

The FPP worship services are conducted every Sunday at 9.30 am at Hall 4 of the Cathay Cineplex at the Woodlands Causeway Point.

Besides creating a Methodist presence in the northern part of the island, the FPP will also be working with other churches in the region to share God’s love and proclaim the Gospel to the neighbourhood. To this end, the FPP will be organising several outreach projects to the residents of Woodlands and the surrounding residential estates in the months and years ahead. FPP invites Methodists living in the north to support its work by their prayers and participation.

Dr Roland Chia, a lecturer at Trinity Theological College, is a member of Fairfield Methodist Church.

Bishop Dr Solomon pronouncing the Benediction at the close of the Fairfield Preaching Point’s inaugural service. — FPP picture.

