
A question for the men


IS IT TRUE that men find it more difficult to share their problems or feelings than women? It seems they would rather talk about the economy, politics or about their cars and their last game at the golf course than how they are coping as husbands and fathers at home. But try putting two women together, and very soon you could hear them sharing their deepest feelings and their problems with each other.

Many men often stay away from voluntary work in church and other organisations, citing their work commitments as an excuse. Women, on the other hand, are generally more generous with their time for the church.

The above may be perceptions many have of Christian men and women in our churches. Of course there are many God-loving zealous men among us who are living exemplary lives and doing great work for God too. And there are also women who, like some of the men, shy away from any church commitment other than warming the pews at Sunday worship services.

But whether they are rightly or wrongly stereotyped, the trend of more men’s-only groups emerging in our Methodist churches is good news, even if only they are getting more men to pray, share and learn together so that they will become more godly.

It is hoped that through these small groups, more men could be connected and given the opportunity to meet God so that they could be challenged to be leaders wherever they are, at home, in church or at their places of work.

At the end of the day, the men in our midst should ask themselves: What does God want me to do, not only as head of the household, but also as a member of His church?

Are men willing to be God’s true servants, always ready to take on “thankless tasks”, including the menial chores? Are they willing to encourage others, through word and deed, to serve the Lord? Or to put their love for the Lord above all things?

