
A rich heritage

Kwok Wan Yee (second from left) and her family

Several things mark my life as a Methodist. The first is the rich and meticulous teaching that I received from my pastors. Indeed, learning God’s word is a life-long endeavour. Any day of the week, in any of our Methodist churches, I am sure we can find courses or classes on any topic, for all ages.

The second is prayer. Everything begins and ends with prayer, whether it is our day, a meal, a meeting, or a season. It is our way of committing and submitting to God.

Third, music is a hallmark of our worship. When the congregation is united in song, there is oneness in spirit with each other and with the Lord. Many of the hymns and contemporary Christian songs are often full of theology and doctrine. I’ve found that useful for Sunday School teaching.

Fourth, I’m proud of how every Methodist church supports missionaries. As part of growing up in a Methodist church, we are encouraged to be involved in mission trips, be sent to the mission field or help support missionaries in one way or another.

Finally, our educational heritage and the good reputation of our schools. I can see clearly the love and care that our principals and staff put in, the strong alumni culture, parents’ involvement and prayer groups. The Church is very much involved through the chaplains, Christian ministry staff and prayer support.

Through it all, being a Methodist is about loving God and loving our neighbours.

What does being a Methodist mean to you

Kwok Wan Yee is a member of Charis Methodist Church and serves as the Education Secretary for the Methodist Church in Singapore. She is married and has two daughters.

