
Ablaze 兴起发光 – WFCMC 10th Youth Leaders’ Conference

10th Youth Leaders' Conference Group

Hosted by Sabah Annual Conference, the World Federation of the Chinese Methodist Churches (WFCMC) 10th Youth Leaders’ Conference (YLC) was held in Sabah, Malaysia from 6 to 10 July 2023. More than 150 Chinese Methodist youth leaders from West Malaysia, Sarawak, Sabah, Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Australia participated. The Methodist Church in Singapore (MCS) Chinese Annual Conference was represented by 20 youth leaders.

For most of the team, this was their first WFCMC YLC. It was heart-warming to witness that cultural differences did not hinder the forging of friendships or prevent learning with and from each other. Truly, the shared love for Christ made us one in spirit.

Conference speakers
Conference speakers

The 10th YLC was themed “Ablaze 兴起发光”. Through the sermons, talks and sharing sessions, participants were led to reflect on the posture of their hearts. They were reminded to prioritise things of greater importance: worship over service, love over duty, attitude over success, and action over speech. They were exhorted to trust and seek first God’s kingdom and will, and to humbly avail themselves for God’s use.

Participants also had the opportunity to explore Sabah through thoughtfully organised outings that were both fun and insightful. It gave us an introduction to Sabah’s culture, history and in particular, their concerns over the population of stateless persons residing in their land.

The last programme item encouraged further cultural exchange among the participants, as well as put into practice the bearing of one another’s burdens through prayer. Cultural booths were set up by each region and equipped with creatively curated elements that showcased what made each region unique. As participants visited each booth, appreciating the different cultures that God had made, it presented opportunities to pray for the needs and concerns of each region.

(Left) Visiting Sabah State Museum (Right) Visiting El Shaddai
Visiting KDCA Cultural Village
Visiting KDCA Cultural Village
CAC participants
CAC participants

To read the personal reflections from our CAC participants, check out the September 2023 issue of CAC News on CAC’s Facebook (@cac.singapore) and Instagram (@cactogether).

By CAC Communications Team. / Photos courtesy of CAC and Sabah Annual Conference

