Features, Highlights

ACJC Faith Centre for Performing Arts opens

A roaring applause to a musical performance at the amphitheatre.

It marks another milestone in history of college

THE ACJC Faith Centre for Performing Arts (CPA) was officially unveiled on May 23, 2008, which marks yet another milestone in the history of the college.

The CPA is the culmination of the hopes and dreams of ACSians past and present. It is a massive undertaking, spanning the leadership of three principals – Mr Wan Fook Weng, Mrs Lim Han Soon and Mrs Kelvyna Chan – with clear aims that ACJC becomes the benchmark of artistic excellence, for the nurturing of performers and aesthetic talents who are eager to create new works and explore bold art forms, ideas and practices.

The CPA building was officially opened by RADM (NS) Lui Tuck Yew, Senior Minister of State for Education and for Information, Communications and the Arts, and dedicated by Bishop Dr Robert Solomon. RADM (NS) Lui was the Guest-of-Honour. The prayer of the Bishop is that the building be dedicated to God’s glory and to His service in all things honourable and worthy.

The day was also one of double celebration. ACJC was chosen as one of the three junior colleges to be an English Language Elective Programme (ELEP) Centre in August 2007. Now adding yet another feather to its cap of artistic and linguistic achievements is its selection as a West Zone Centre of Excellence (Language Arts). This is an endorsement of its strong EL culture and foundation to provide useful benchmarks for others in the language arts.

Among these are the opportunities for the students to apply and showcase their linguistic skills and talents through the staging of dramatic productions; the honing of skills to take on opponents in parliamentary-style debates, the grooming of persuasive orators and the nurturing of proficient writers in media-related industries.

The dedication ceremony ended with a tour of the CPA complex comprising two blocks – the Mrs Lee Choon Guan Theatre and the Tan Chin Tuan Learning Centre. The guests had a field day exploring the different facilities and were treated to live performances by our students, which altogether added to the joyous mood.

The CPA will be a vital part of ACJC, enabling the college to have on-site facilities for a diverse range of activities, once again, making it a place that provides a holistic education, and above all, trusting God to give us new visions and ideas for the use of this place.

Malini Lim is the Teacher in-charge of Publications at Anglo-Chinese Junior College.

All smiles after the unveiling of the official opening and dedication plaques by RADM (NS) Lui (second from left) and
Bishop Dr Solomon (far right). The others in the picture are Mrs Chan, the ACJC Principal, and Mr Richard Seow,
Chairman of the ACS Board of Governors.
RADM (NS) Lui appreciating the mechanisms of a harp Next to him is Dr Lee Li Eng, a member of the ACS Board of Governors.


