STAFFFROMTHESIx ANGLO-CHINESE SCHOOLS (ACS)gathered at Barker Road Methodist Church (BRMC) on Jan 6, 2013, for our annual ACS Staff Dedication Service. The service is held to remind the staff that it is a great privilege to be leading and educating the students of our schools, and to start this new year of education by dedicating ourselves to God and receiving His grace to help us do our best.
The service started at 8.30 am with a warm welcome given by Mr Peter Tan, Principal of ACS (Barker Road). There were meaningful moments of worship, prayer and listening to the songs presented by the ACS (BR) Choir.
There were also poignant reminders from Mr Richard Seow, Chairman of the ACS Board of Governors, who in his address acknowledged God’s blessings to our schools in helping them achieve much in all aspects in 2012.
He strongly encouraged staff with thesewords: “Unlock the potential in your students by how you teach, what you say, how you act, the confidence and belief you give – it is about developing, nurturing, inspiring and guiding our students to be better people to live meaningful and purposeful lives.
“We remember the teachers that inspired us – so, be that teacher this year to your students… I know that we will be successful in this endeavour with your help and through God’s grace.”
The staff were also privileged this year to hear the new Bishop of The Methodist Church in Singapore, Bishop Dr Wee Boon Hup, give a meditation on the topic of “Worship – Service” based on Romans 12:1-2.
Bishop Dr Wee explained to all that to worship God was indeed a “reasonable” – appropriate and necessary – response to the great love of God given to all mankind. For though we had fallen short of God’s glory (Romans 3:23) and deserved death (Romans 6:23), God had shown His love for us by giving us His Son Jesus (Romans 5:8) to die for us in our stead, ensuring that as we turned to Him in faith, we would have eternal life.
This meant that we had become God’s children (Romans 8:14-17), who are also co-heirs with Jesus. Worship of God then is what we rightfully offer to God in gratefulness to Him, and what He really desires for us to do in serving Him is to learn to love others as He has commanded–
“For the whole law is fulfilled in one word: ‘You shall love your neighbour as yourself.’ ” (Galatians 5:14 ESV)
Above Picture Caption: Staff from the six Anglo-Chinese Schools reading the Teacher’s Oath to commit themselves in service, a worshipful response to God. – Picture by Danny Toh.
The Rev Kenneth Huang is Director, Ministry in Schools and Pastor-in-Charge of Kampong Kapor Methodist Church.