Features, News

ACS turns 130, answers the call to serve

Specially designed ACS 130 collar pins were given to all students and staff to celebrate ACS’ 130th Founder’s Day

The six units of the Anglo-Chinese School (ACS) have come together as ONE ACS to celebrate 130 years of God’s Faithfulness since its founding on 1 March 1886 by Bishop Oldham. The schools have adopted a common theme, verse and ACS 130 logo for 2016 – “Called to Serve: Our hearts, our hopes, our aims are ONE”, and “Serve one another humbly in love” (Galatians 5:13).

In line with the theme and verse, and as a culmination of the ONE ACS SG50 ACtS of Service, the six schools embarked on one final act of service – by opening our schools as blood donation centres on 18, 19 and 27 February at the ACS (Independent) Dover campus, the ACJC campus, and the ACS (Barker Road) campus respectively.

ACSians aged 16 years and above, as well as all Old Boys, were encouraged to donate blood to support this worthy cause. Younger pupils in ACS (Junior), ACS (Primary), ACS (BR), ACS(I) and ACS (International) distributed hand-personalised flyers to their family, school community and neighbourhood, and the larger community, to invite them to the donation drive. ACJC students also distributed flyers to the working crowd at the One North area.

Specially-designed ACS 130 collar pins were given to all students and staff to celebrate ACS’ 130th Founder’s Day. Each ACS unit held its own Founder’s Day Thanksgiving Service and Presentation of Award Ceremony, during which a specially-produced video was screened, showcasing the ONE ACS SG50 ACtS of Service that the six ACS units had embarked upon.

Truly, our hearts, our hopes, our aims are one. The Best Is Yet To Be!

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Arene Koh is Principal of AngloChinese School (Primary)

