Expressions, Touch

Amidst the Waves

I felt it ere I saw it come;
A gradual dip, a sinking slump –
Then towering up before my eyes,
Tall tidal waves of tasks arise!

I row and row, to no avail,
For here they come! And lo, I flail:
Pulled under, tossed up, gasping air,
My heart a-thunder, wild-swept hair.

Somehow I clamber back aboard,
Secure myself with stouter cord,
And brace. Behold! New waves approach;
With gaining speed they do encroach.

Exhaustion streaming down my face,
Yet still I stand, and still I brace,
“Press on, press on!” I mutter low;
“Press on, press on!” On I must go.

“Why suffer so?” you frown in care,
“Why not just stop? Why hang in there?”
But then, I never have been one
To give up, head home, turn tail, run.

“Press on, press on!” my battle cry;
“Press on!” despite work piling high.
What I need: Time to sit and think.
I don’t have: Time for anything.

But sometimes, maybe that’s a boon;
P’raps thinking, I’d give up too soon,
Or count the cost, and walk away,
Decide to fight another day.

Yet time and tide wait for no man –
I’ll take my shot, and take my stand;
Cast my lot while the stakes are high;
Face trials with unflinching eye.

For Who is this who steps serene
Across tumultuous, stormy green?
“Press on, press on!” in echoes clear,
“Press on, My child! You need not fear.”

‘Tis He! ‘Tis Christ! My Master calls;
‘Tis He for whom I rise and fall,
For whom I strive, for whom I rest,
For whom I ever give my best.

So press on I, vigour renewed,
My duties’ clamour rendered mute;
Still wave-tossed, but I will not sway –
My utmost for Him, every day.

Grace Toh –
is the Editor of Methodist Message and a member of Kampong Kapor Methodist Church. She prays for God’s strength to press on in His call amidst life’s challenges.

Background picture by Willyam Bradberry/

