Happenings, News

Ang Mo Kio Methodist Church Dedication: ‘The building of the church continues’

Constituted 1978. Land purchased 1979. Church built 1981. Church redeveloped 2012.

And on March 29, 2014, representatives from the three local conferences in Ang Mo Kio Methodist Church (AMKMC) – the only tri-Conference Methodist church in Singapore under one roof – declared: “By God’s grace, this Building Redevelopment has been completed. All necessary approvals have been secured and all debts incurred have been paid”, with Bishop Dr Wee Boon Hup leading the Act of Dedication of the church with the words: “Let us dedicate this building and rejoice in its holy use.”

For AMKMC, this was a significant milestone in several ways – funds were successfully raised, the redevelopment was completed on time and on budget, and all debts were repaid within a year of physical completion. Truly, all glory to God, for His abiding faithfulness.

The 99-year leasehold land for the church was purchased in 1979 through action of the General Conference. Mr Kim Seah, Secretary of the Trustees of The Methodist Church in Singapore, explained: “Dedication is very significant, as it marks the true completion of a building project. Consecration is preliminary, to allow services at the site after TOP (Temporary Occupation Permit). It is only after all approvals relevant have been obtained and all debts incurred have been paid, that dedication is possible.”

The three local congregations from the three Annual Conferences – Chinese, Emmanuel Tamil and Trinity – operated the common facilities at AMKMC through a Joint Management Committee (JMC) which was set up in 1981. The JMC appointed a Church Redevelopment Committee to look into space requirements way back in 2003.

JMC Chairman Mr Anton Moses said: “As the only Methodist church in Singapore with three conferences under one roof, we have had our fair share of challenging moments. But whenever there were disagreements, we chose the path of love and care to resolve them. This has worked very well for us – and today, we have achieved an amicable and harmonious working relationship across the three churches. To God be the glory!”

Mr Lim Biow Chuan, Chairman of the Church Redevelopment Committee, said: “We presented a report to the JMC in 2004. The plan was to double the built-up space from 31,000 square feet to 65,000 square feet, to include more classrooms and three worship halls.

“The initial estimated cost was $18 million, with each local conference to raise a specific amount. It was a long and challenging journey. But God has been good to us every step of the way. Generous members, friends and well-wishers came forth to help with the fund-raising, and so did our sister churches. Prayer warriors under-girded our efforts right through. Yes, there were occasional hiccups and disagreements, but we have built stronger bonds across the three conferences, as we laboured together to rebuild God’s church.”

In his sermon at the Dedication Service, Bishop Dr Wee reminded the congregation that now the church building is completed, the “building of the church” continues through the building of its people, as people of worship and as living sacrifices.

A timely reminder to every one of us, as we each seek to build one another up through God’s Word and a prayer life that looks outside of ourselves.



Picture courtesy of Ang Mo Kio Methodist Church

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Christina Stanley is Editor of the Methodist Message and wrote this report with valuable input from Ang Mo Kio Methodist Church leaders.

