Expressions, Touch

Another Kind Of Water

Another Kind Of Water

How strange that he should ask me,
a Samaritan,
for water from the well
of our Patriarch, Jacob
to slake his thirst,
this man from
Galilee, this Jew,
with whom we have no truck.

He has such quiet princely
dignity, such orchards of peace in
his countenance,
and eyes that read
the chronicles of my soul;
He sees through the curtains
of deception
in my words.
How can he, a stranger
know so intimately
all I have done.
Is he God in disguise?

Yet there is no quagmire of intimidation
in his gaze,
but a liberation
that comes from revelation
of the truth.

He offers the gift of Living Water
whose springs are seated
in the matrix of the second birth
that he alone can actuate.

Lord give me that Living Water
that I may thirst no more.

John 4:5-42

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Dr Oliver Seet is a member of Wesley Methodist Church and a Board Director of the Metropolitan YMCA.

