I’ve been attending Grace Methodist Church since my secondary school days, when I became a Christian through The Boys’ Brigade. Through the privilege of serving in leadership positions, and in various committees or workgroups at the Annual Conference, I became aware of strategic issues that were much bigger than the local church, which cannot be managed by local churches alone. At the same time, churches are dealing with a barrage of negative influences, while being confronted with stagnant or even declining church membership. An observation I’ve made is that it is to the detriment of churches if they refuse to stay relevant or are too inward-looking.
As Christians, we are here to be the hands and feet for God’s agenda. As Methodists, there is so much more we can do together as a united OneMCS, especially when some churches have resources or expertise in certain ministries. We need not compete or duplicate our efforts, but instead, should optimise our collective resources.
Instinctively, we know we are stronger together but are we doing enough to work together? We can start by doing things with our sister churches, to solve problems or carry out projects, whether it is for awareness, equipping or outreach. Of course, this may lead to some friction. But when we come together as a family of God, we put on the mind of Christ and focus more on what we have in common instead of our differences.