Happenings, News

BB members, Old Boys get National Day Awards Police chief heads list

The Commissioner of Police, Mr Khoo Boon Hui: An Old Boy of 12th BB Company.

THE Commissioner of Police, Mr Khoo Boon Hui, who has been awarded the Meritorious Service Medal, heads the list of members, Old Boys and Volunteers of The Boys’ Brigade in Singapore who have received National Day Awards this year.

A former member of the 12th Singapore Boys’ Brigade Company, Mr Khoo led the committee of Old Boys, consultants and parents in the BB21 Programme Initiative, which gave rise to the Brigade’s current BB21 Programme. He is a member of Wesley Methodist Church.

The others who have received awards are:
Mr David Wong Cheong Fook, PBM, Director, Young Men’s Christian Association of Singapore (Old Boy of the 12th Singapore Company) – Public Service Star;
Dr Chia Hock Leong, Lawrence, Part-time Consultant, Development Office, National University of Singapore (Old Boy of 1st Singapore Company) – Public Administration Medal (Bronze);
LTC Chua Yam Seng, Directing Staff, Singapore Command and Staff College, SAFTI Military Institute (Chairman, BB CARES Project 2003) – Commendation Medal (Military);
Mr Sam Tan Boon Yeow, Honorary Vice-President, Chairman for the 75th Anniversary Celebrations Committee – (Public Service Medal);
Dr Loo Choon Yong; Vice-Chairman, National Council Against Drug Abuse (Old Boy of the 20th Singapore Company) – (Public Service Medal).
Mr Lim Boon Wee, Principal Private Secretary to the President (Friend of the BB) – Public Administration Medal (Silver).

