Outreach, Unity in Spirit

BCS – Reaching out and empowering others

Session in progress at Bethel Kinderlites.
BCS partners church members from Bethel Assembly of God to distribute goodies to the community on “Love your Neighbour Day”.

Since Jun was three, he has been attending Bethel Child Development Centre(BCDC) at Block 111 Aljunied Crescent, where children aged two to six are equipped in academic learning, moral awareness and developing physical, intellectual and social skills.

A year ago, Jun “graduated” from BCDC to Bethel Student Care Centre (BSCC) and attends Bethel Tuition Service twice a week in the evening. His younger brother Wei now attends BCDC too, where a team of 14 staff builds partnership with parents and helps parents to nurture their children.

“It really helps me a lot and really puts my mind at ease (especially when I am driving the taxi at night) to know that Bethel Community Services have put in place a one-stop support to help people in the community like us,” said Jun’s father Peter*, who is married to a Vietnamese.

As the social arm of the Bethel Assembly of God, Bethel Community Services’ (BCS) mission is to reach out and empower the community through holistic community-based services and programmes to maximise the God-given potential of each individual.

In line with our vision to act as the vibrant change agent to express Christ’s love, care and compassion to the community, we offer a wide spectrum of services from child and toddler care, tuition, legal aid to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).

Bethel Tots Centre (BTC)
First-time mother Madam Candy Khoo was quite worried about leaving her son Bryan – the second baby enrolled in BTC when it first opened – but she shared that “the teachers were very experienced, trained and responsible”. Located at Block 100 Aljunied Crescent, BTC provides infant care services for children between two to 18 months. We create a safe, conducive and caring environment using child-scale equipment, child-proof furniture and attractive displays.

Bethel Student Care Centre (BSSC)
BSSC provides before and after-care services for Primary One to Secondary Two students to learn and feel a sense of belonging in a wholesome and holistic care-giving environment. The teachers supervise and guide the children in their schoolwork, play and recreational activities. A delighted Mrs Doris Chua said that her daughter Charlotte’s “schoolwork is always completed before she returns home and help is readily available when she comes across any problem.”

Bethel Kinderlites (BK)
BK aspires to be a choice kindergarten where children from the ages of two to six are imbued with godly values, and nurtured to be confident, resilient and passionate life-long learners.

Bethel Tuition Service (BTS)
Volunteer teachers at BTS cater to students from lower-income families, imparting information and exam-taking techniques, moral values and life skills. “Besides the nurturing environment for my children, BCS is also helping me financially by subsidising the centres’ fees, tuition and enrichment classes. During festive seasons I also received shopping vouchers, food and household appliances for my home,” said Peter*, who is a recipient of their social services, where financial assistance to low-income and single-parent families is given in the form of cash, vouchers and groceries. They also offer counselling, with referrals from client’s friends, agencies or walk-ins.

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) clinic
Every Wednesday and Friday, Physician Rev Dr Moses Pi and the team of volunteers help with taking temperature, blood pressure and weight, cupping, guasha (scraping treatment) acupuncture, tui na (massage therapy) and prescription for the community in need.

Legal Clinic
This was set up to assist individuals and families with legal issues by providing basic, oral legal advice and information to chart their next course of action. BCS also facilitates referrals to the relevant authorities or organisations for follow-up. Clients who wish to take legal action are required to seek legal expertise externally.

“It really helps me a lot and really puts my mind at ease (especially when I am driving the taxi at night) to know that Bethel Community Services have put in place a one-stop support to help people in the community like us,” said Jun’s father Peter*, who is married to a Vietnamese.

iCAN MAGAZINE is a local bi-annual publication which focuses on our services and events through articles that enrich family life.

BCS became a charity under the Charities Act in Sep 2004 and received full membership with the National Council of Social Services in July 2007. We have been granted the Institution of a Public Character Status. Donors can give to BCS and receive tax deduction for their donations.

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Methodist Message seeks to raise awareness of the spectrum of needs, healthcare and social welfare services that are available in Singapore run by various Christian faith-based organisations. In this issue, we feature Bethel Community Services.

*Name changed to protect confidentiality

Photos courtesy of Bethel Community Services

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Ms Margaret Chua is Executive Director of Bethel Community Services.

