Outreach, Welfare

Being a servant to God and those in need

Nanyang Technological University staff help to clean MWS Nursing Home – Yew Tee during their Corporate Social Responsibility volunteer session.

Psalm 33:5 extols our God as a God of justice: “He loves righteousness and justice; the earth is full of the steadfast love of the Lord.”

Throughout Scripture, we read of God’s laws and provisions to protect and provide for the weak and vulnerable. As Christians who understand that everyone is made in the image of God, it is right and good to be concerned with speaking out for those in need.

The voices of the vulnerable and the in-need are often forgotten and drowned out by the competing demands and noise of our work and personal lives. To galvanise Methodists to come together for deeds of mercy and to give generously in benefit of the poor, in-need, distressed and elderly sick, The Giving Methodist campaign is back for a second year.


The Giving Methodist
Spearheaded by The Methodist Church in Singapore and MWS
6 March–13 April 2019


Give time
Volunteering is a great opportunity to share your time and skills and bless those in need. You may also find your spiritual walk greatly enriched through the experience and discover a new purpose in life!

  • Choose from over 100 volunteering activities run by the Methodist churches and MWS. No experience or special skills are needed for most of the simple and flexible activities.
  • These activities include going for outings, exercising, helping to improve living spaces and more.

Give a donation
Did you know a donation of just $1 a day can bring positive change to the disadvantaged? Your generous and regular giving will help 11,000 beneficiaries across our 19 centres and programmes. Choose to give:

  • a regular donation from $1 a day ($30 monthly), or
  • a one-time donation of $365 or other amounts

Give your voice
Information and opinions shared on your social network can create a powerful impact. Why not share about social concerns and use your voice to spread awareness about The Giving Methodist campaign? Your voice matters and can do so much to help your family and friends know and care more about the less fortunate.

  • Share highlights of The Giving Methodist campaign with your network of friends and family. Share your favourite community blessing projects or volunteering activities both online and offline, and encourage your friends to join you!
  • Download images on thegivingmethodist.sg site, and share them on your social media (eg. Facebook, Instagram and Twitter) accounts.
  • Pray for MWS and your church’s social concerns ministry.



#thegivingmethodist #iamtgm

Give Time, Give a Donation or Give Voice at



The hymn “How Deep the Father’s Love for Us” declares:

I will not boast in anything,
No gifts, no power, no wisdom;
But I will boast in Jesus Christ,
His death and resurrection.
Why should I gain from His reward?
I cannot give an answer;
But this I know with all my heart—
His wounds have paid my ransom.

The writer’s heartfelt realisation, “Why should I gain from His reward? I cannot give an answer,” echoes God’s great love for sinners like us. As we are justified by His gift of grace, let us make a commitment to give generously this Lent. May we be a servant to God and those in need, and in doing so, give all glory to His name!

By the Methodist Welfare Services (MWS) Communications Team

MWS Senior Activity Centre – GreenTops @ Sims Place member Mdm Alice Tey volunteers to serve hot beverages during their tea break.

Photos courtesy of Methodist Welfare Services

