1. The spoils which God allowed the Israelites to salvage from Jericho were silver,
gold, b_ _ _ _ _ and iron.
2. When Samson took the honey from the carcass of the lion, he violated his
N_ _ _ _ _ _ _ vow.
3. At what time did Naomi and Ruth arrive in Bethlehem? H_ _ _ _ _ _.
4. How many more children did Hannah bear after giving birth to Samuel? _ _ _ _.
5. The two sons of Eli the priest were c_ _ _ _ _ _ and did not know the Lord.
6. What name did Samuel give the stone he set up to commemorate God’s help in defeating the Philistines? E_ _ _ _ _ _ _.
7. Samuel’s growth was said to be similar to that of Jesus, in favour the Lord and m_ _.
8. After Jesus’ resurrection, He remained on earth for _ _ _ _ _ days before His ascention.
9. Which city in the New Testament was known for its sorcery and worship of the goddess Diana? E _ _ _ _ _ _ .
10. Besides Paul, who was chosen to preach the Gospel to the Gentiles? P_ _ _ _ .
Name: _______________________________________ Age: _____
Address: ________________________________________________
Tel: (Residence) __________________________________________
Church _________________________________________________
The Bible Quiz is open to those 21 years and below.
The first two all-correct entries opened will win a $20 voucher each from the
Methodist Book Room. The names of the winners and the answers to Bible Quiz
No. 39 will be published in the next issue of Methodist Message.
Entries close on Dec 10, 2002. Send in your entries now!
ANSWERS TO QUIZ NO. 38: 1. Adam; 2. 950; 3. Japheth; 4. Babel; 5. rainbow;
6. Lot; 7. Hagar; 8. Rebekah; 9. Enoch; 10. Joseph
The two winners of last month’s Bible Quiz No. 38 are XXX, 10, and JYYY, 10. They will be notified by post.