BIBLE QUIZ No. 291. The tribe of L_ _ _ was not numbered among the children of Israel when Moses took the census of all males twenty and     over.

2. The Levites were required to retire from service in the work of the tabernacle of meeting at the age of f_ _ _ _.

3. Who commanded the sun and the moon to stand still when the Israelites fought the Amorites?
J_ _ _ _ _.

4. Which group of people was Goliath a part of? P_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

5. The leaves of the Tree of Life in the New Jerusalem “were for the h_ _ _ _ _ _ of the nations”.

6. How many days will the two witnesses of Revelation 11 prophesy? _ _ _ _ days.

7. According to 1 Corinthians 6:3, Christians will have a part in j_ _ _ _ _ _ angels.

8. Paul told Timothy not to rebuke an older man but to exhort him as a f_ _ _ _ _.

9. Philippi was one of the foremost cities of M_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

10. Who was the Apostle Peter’s brother? A_ _ _ _ _.

                                                      BIBLE QUIZ No. 29

Name: _______________________________________ Age: _____

Address: ________________________________________________


Tel: (Residence) __________________________________________

Church _________________________________________________

The Bible Quiz is open to those 21 years and below.
The first two all-correct entries opened will win a $20 voucher each from the
Methodist Book Room. The names of the winners and the answers to Bible Quiz
No. 29 will be published in the next issue of Methodist Message.
Entries close on February 7, 2002. Send in your entries now!

ANSWERS TO QUIZ NO. 28: 1. Joshua; 2. Nehemiah; 3. Samuel; 4. Saul; 5. love; 6. gospel; 7. John The Baptist; 8. Zebedee; 9. Jesus; 10. sheep.

The two winners of last month’s Bible Quiz No. 28 are: Aaron Chan, 10, and Jonathan Tan, 10. They will be notified by post.


