1. How many people lowered the paralytic through a roof to be healed by Jesus? _.
2. Who was the synagogue ruler whose daughter was raised by Jesus? J_ _ _ _ _.
3. Who feared John the Baptist because he was a just and holy man? H_ _ _ _ .
4. What happened to both John the Baptist and Jesus when they were eight days old?
They were c_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
5. Nicodemus was a P_ _ _ _ _ _ _.
6. Jesus turned water into wine in a wedding at C_ _ _.
7. Which disciple of Jesus found the boy with the five loaves and two fishes?
A_ _ _ _ _.
8. Which disciple protested against Jesus’ washing of his feet? P_ _ _ _.
9. Who was the prisoner that the Jews wanted Pilate to release instead of Jesus?
B_ _ _ _ _ _ _.
10. Jesus said, “Love your enemies, b_ _ _ _ those who curse you.”
Name: _______________________________________ Age: _____
Address: ________________________________________________
Tel: (Residence) __________________________________________
Church _________________________________________________
The Bible Quiz is open to those 21 years and below.
The first two all-correct entries opened will win a $20 voucher each from the
Methodist Book Room. The names of the winners and the answers to Bible Quiz
No. 36 will be published in the next issue of Methodist Message.
Entries close on Sept 10, 2002. Send in your entries now!
ANSWERS TO QUIZ NO. 35: 1. Uz; 2. 3; 3. wife; 4. pray; 5. whirlwind; 6. earth;
7. honey; 8. beauty; 9. Wisdom; 10. Holy Spirit.
The two winners of last month’s Bible Quiz No. 35 are Chye Shu Yi, 11, and Jonathan Chiang Wai Keong, 14. They will be notified by post.