1. In which epistle did Paul indicate that he knew the end of his life was near?
2 T_ _ _ _ _ _ .
2. What was the occupation of Alexander who did Paul much harm?
C_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
3. Where was Titus when Paul wrote the letter bearing his name? C_ _ _ _ .
4. Who, along with Hymenaeus, mentioned in 2 Timothy taught that the resurrection was already past? P_ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
5. Paul considered himself the chief of s_ _ _ _ _ _.
6. Where was Paul going when he urged Timothy to stay in Ephesus?
M_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
7. What did Paul prescribe for Timothy’s frequent illnesses? W_ _ _ .
8. Whom did Paul call the “beloved physician”? L_ _ _ .
9. Whom did Paul send to the Ephesians so that they would know what happened to Paul and be comforted? T_ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
10. In whose home were Paul and his companions staying when the letter to the Romans was written? G_ _ _ _ .
Name: _______________________________________ Age: _____
Address: ________________________________________________
Tel: (Residence) __________________________________________
Church _________________________________________________
The Bible Quiz is open to those 21 years and below.
The first two all-correct entries opened will win a $20 voucher each from
Popular Book Company Pte Ltd. The names of the winners and the answers to Bible Quiz
No. 44 will be published in the next issue of Methodist Message.
Entries close on May 10, 2003. Send in your entries now!
ANSWERS TO QUIZ NO. 43: 1. drachmas; 2. Artemis; 3. Gospel, John; 4. Paul;
5. Gaius; 6. James; 7. Hebrews; 8. Rome; 9. Christ; 10. Abraham.
There was no winner in last month’s Bible Quiz No. 43.