1. Who objected to Mary’s wasting of expensive oil on Jesus’ feet? J_ _ _ _.
2. Jesus told the people at the Passover Feast that His authority came from
the F_ _ _ _ _.
3. Who prompted the disciple who was leaning on Jesus’ breast to ask Him to name His betrayer? P_ _ _ _.
4. What was the name of the book Jesus crossed to reach the garden where He was arrested? K_ _ _ _ _.
5. Jesus asked the blind man to wash himself at the pool of S_ _ _ _ _ after He anointed His eyes with clay.
6. Mary, Martha and Lazarus lived in B_ _ _ _ _ _.
7. What city was the location for Jesus’ triumphal entry? J_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
8. Where was Jesus when He showed Himself to His disciples for the third time after His resurrection? The Sea of T_ _ _ _ _ _ _.
9. How many angels did Mary Magdalene see at Jesus’ tomb? __.
10. Immanuel means “G_ _ with us”.
Name: _______________________________________ Age: _____
Address: ________________________________________________
Tel: (Residence) __________________________________________
Church _________________________________________________
The Bible Quiz is open to those 21 years and below.
The first two all-correct entries opened will win a $20 voucher each from
Popular Book Company Pte Ltd. The names of the winners and the answers to Bible Quiz
No. 51 will be published in the next issue of Methodist Message.
Entries close on December 10, 2003. Send in your entries now!
ANSWERS TO QUIZ NO. 50: 1. Jeremiah; 2. Solomon; 3. Zephaniah; 4. Lo-Ruhammah;
5. Four; 6. Lemuel; 7. cupbearer; 8. Eliashib; 9. Hacaliah; 10. Artexerxes.
The two winners of last month’s Bible Quiz No. 50 are Daryl Wong, 11, and Nathanael Ong Chong Hao, 14. They will be notified by post.