BISHOP DR ROBERT SOLOMON of The Methodist Church in Singapore has succeeded the Most Rev Dr John Chew as President of the National Council of Churches of Singapore (NCCS). The leadership change took effect on April 13, 2010 during the council’s 36th annual general meeting.
Bishop Dr Solomon, who has served previous terms as President of the ecumenical body, will hold office for the next two years.
At the meeting, two senior clergy were elected Vice-Presidents. They are the Right Rev Terry Kee, Bishop of the Lutheran Church in Singapore, and the Right Rev Phua Chee Seng, Synod Moderator of the Presbyterian Church in Singapore. As the Immediate Past President, the Most Revd Dr John Chew, who is the Anglican Bishop of Singapore, will continue to serve the Council as a Vice-President. Mr Daniel Chan, a Methodist layman, was elected Honorary Treasurer, while Mr Mark Sng of St Johns/St Margarets (Anglican) Church, the chairman of the Finance Committee.
Mr Lim K am is the General Secretary of the NCCS. The NCCS is a voluntary body bringing together the major Christian denominations and churches in Singapore. It was constituted in 1948. Present membership includes the Anglican Diocese of Singapore, Assemblies of God of Singapore, the Lutheran Church in Singapore, The Methodist Church in Singapore, The Presbyterian Church in Singapore, The Salvation Army, Mar Thomas Syrian Church, St Thomas Orthodox Syrian Cathedral, Church of Singapore, Evangelical Free Church, and many other independent churches and Christian organisations.
BEFRIENDERS WANTED: Funds for the Community Outreach Project, one of the major celebratory events of the 125th Anniversary of The Methodist Church in Singapore (MCS), are coming in steadily. The project aims to bless the chronically poor in Singapore – the bottom 10 per cent of the socio-economic ladder who subsist on an average per capita income of $350 a month.
The target sum to be raised is $1.25 million, and this will be disbursed to the chronically poor, with each family getting $125 a month for a period of 12 months. This amount is able to provide help for 834 families.
While the MCS is grateful to church members and their friends for their generous donations, Befrienders – volunteers who will visit the poor and needy and spend time with them – are lacking very much in numbers. The Methodist Welfare Services, which is heading this project, therefore, is appealing for more Befrienders to step forward. Donations are also welcome. You may use the forms printed on this page.