
Blessed to Master, Grow and Serve

MGS Naming of Auditorium and Blessing Service

A SIMPLE CEREMONY on July 31, 2011 marked the naming of the recently refurbished Methodist Girls’ School (MGS) Auditorium in honour of the late Mdm Kwa Geok Choo, an illustrious alumna and wife of former Minister Mentor Mr Lee Kuan Yew. Their daughter, Professor Lee Wei Ling, Director of the National Neuroscience Institute, was the Guest-of-Honour. Joining her at the service were other members of the Lee and Kwa families, as well as Mdm Kwa’s former teacher and classmates from MGS.

The auditorium stage had been widened by almost 20 per cent and seating capacity increased by about 10 per cent after the renovation, according to Mr Tan Wee Ngee, Chief Operating Officer of MGS. Other than re-carpeting the floor and re-holstering the seats, the acoustics and air-conditioning had also been improved.

Congregants at the service, consisting of MGS alumnae, parents of current MGS girls, and former and current staff, belied the serene atmosphere with a muted chatter of excitement. Prof Lee was ushered in with an item by the MGS Handbell Choir.

Mrs Fang Ai Lian, Chairman of the MGS Board of Management, welcomed attendees and shared the contribution of the auditorium to the artistic development of MGS girls. She thanked all who had been part of the refurbishment effort, including the architects and builders who made it possible for the renovations to be completed at the end of June 2011, after just four months of work.

The Rev Dr Peter Wong, Chaplain-in-charge at MGS and a member of the Board of Management, officiated at the blessing and later gave the benediction. Mrs Shirleen Ong, Principal of MGS, shared some reflections on the late Mdm Kwa’s achievements and demonstrated character, pointing out the inspiring effect of naming the renewed auditorium in memory of Mdm Kwa.

Mdm Kwa had been the top student of her year in the Senior Cambridge examinations for the whole of Malaya. She was also said to be “convinced that women should be empowered to better society”, making her a role model for MGS girls to look up to.

A video entitled “A Good Name, A Good Woman” was screened in honour of the occasion. In it, the late Mdm Kwa was said to have embodied the MGS motto “To Master, To Grow, To Serve” by having mastered her books, grown in stature and served her nation.

Interesting facts were also shared, such as her fondly remembering the Tamil Methodist Church at Short Street as the venue at which she had attended some classes as a schoolgirl.

Prof Lee unveiled the commemorative plaque which would later be installed at the entrance of the auditorium. The event closed with fine performances by the MGS String Ensemble, solo vocalist Nathania Ong, and a cheerleading performance by the MG Dazzlers.


Fairfield teacher wins President’s Award

MR GANESAN S/O RAMAN was one of five teachers who received the President’s Award for Teachers on Aug 26, the last batch to do so from the outgoing President, Mr S. R. Nathan, at the Istana this year.

e award gives national recognition to the critical role teachers in Singapore play in moulding the future of the nation, highlighting excellent teachers who prepare their students for life, are models of commitment to continual learning and enterprise, and inspire both students and peers through word and deed.

Mr Ganesan is the Head of Department (Mathematics) at Fairfield Methodist School (Secondary). A statement from his school describes him as inspirational, seeking to share his knowledge and passion for mathematics with his pupils. He avails himself to students whenever they need an adult figure to confide in and to advise them on school and personal problems. He also goes the extra mile to help them academically by arranging for individual consultations with the weaker students and conducting additional lessons to clarify the pupils’ doubts.

A Ministry of Education (MOE) press statement said that Mr Ganesan firmly believes in the value of service learning, having led his students to take part in various community service projects, such as fund-raising for World Vision, and overseas learning trips. ese provided the students with opportunities to appreciate the role they played in the larger community and in turn, helped shape their character and honed their life skills.

His school recognises him as an example of lifelong learning, working closely with his teachers to develop their teaching skills through constant dialoguing and developmental supervision. In 2009,

Mr Ganesan led a team of mathematics teachers to carry out curriculum innovation for the Teach Less Learn More (TLLM) Ignite! 2 project.

According to the MOE, he continues to play the role of a curriculum leader in the Professional Learning Community, leading two teams of mathematics teachers to explore and use different pedagogical approaches in the classroom to better engage learners.

Mr Ganesan is currently pursuing a part-time Masters in Education (Mathematics) programme at the National Institute of Education – a testament to his dedication to lifelong learning and pedagogy.

