
Breakthrough in the VUCA world

Some exercises before the settling down for the next talk

Viruses, wars, runaway inflation and natural disasters are part of our daily diet of news. Add our complex human relationships and financial and health challenges, and we get a Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous (VUCA) world.

How do we break through such chaos?

This was the theme of this year’s Trinity Annual Conference (TRAC) Women’s Society of Christian Service (WSCS) conference: “Breakthrough in the VUCA World”. After three years since the last on-site VUCA conference, great excitement and joy filled the worship hall of Toa Payoh Methodist Church (TPMC) when nearly 300 ladies gathered on 25 June. Nearly every TRAC church was represented, joined by sisters from other Annual Conferences and non- Methodist churches.

VUCA 2022 kicked off with a welcome by Rev Benjamin Lee, Pastor-in-Charge of TPMC, and an opening prayer by TRAC WSCS President, Ms Neo Lay Tin. To prepare hearts for God’s Word, Crystal, Amanda and Kaeyan of Paya Lebar Methodist Church led us in a time of worship.

Dr Cheah Fung Fong, TRAC Vice-President, was the first speaker. Her message, entitled “Behold, I will do a new thing,” was based on Isaiah 43:14-21. She emphasised that in seeking breakthroughs, we need first to remember who God is: our Redeemer, the Holy One, our Creator and King. He is sovereign and in control of this VUCA world. Secondly, we are to release the past—be they trophies and successes in days gone by, or the hurts, unforgiveness and bitterness we harbour. Thirdly, we are to receive God’s grace in the ordinary activities of daily life. With eyes of faith, expect the unexpected from our God who is preparing a “new thing” for each of us. Lastly, recognise God’s purpose for our VUCA experiences. Each breakthrough is for his praise and glory. Thus, have faith that God works in ways we cannot see or expect.


Mrs Janette Chong’s talk on “Raising an unexpected gift” roused laughter and sympathy as she shared experiences of coping with one child with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and another with Asperger’s Syndrome. Through it all, God has taught her to trust him more fully and transformed her to being more patient and even-tempered. She concluded that God sometimes places “Goliaths” in our lives for us to find the “Davids” within us.

Mrs Grace Lim never expected a fish head meal to cause a near-death experience when a tear in her oesophagus required two operations and prolonged hospitalisation. This incident led her to realise that God had preserved her for a purpose and to seek his plan for her life. The Covid-19 pandemic also turned her jet-setting lifestyle into a Zoom world, where she has connected with hundreds of people across more than 40countries through the Freedom in Christ ministry. God has also used her passion for disciple-making to touch many.

After a short break, Dr Victoria Lim led the ladies in breathing and relaxation exercises. Refreshed, we were ready to listen to an extraordinary testimony by Ms Hannah Chun. Imprisoned for drug offences, she had her first child behind bars. The pain and shame spiralled into a vicious cycle of more drugs and cover-ups. Eventually, God spoke to her through John 3:17. Like the prodigal son, she felt she came from a pigsty. Yet, our Heavenly Father welcomed her with open arms. It was not an overnight recovery. By God’s grace, she has persevered and now ministers to ladies, locally and abroad.

Worship team from Paya Lebar Methodist Church

Rev Irene Thung then spoke on Micah 2:13, which reveals God as “Ha Poretz”, the One who breaks open the way. Spiritual breakthrough begins when we have radical faith, identify ourselves as God’s beloved children and grasp the power of prayer. Rather than going to God with a wish list of wants, communing and identifying with him teaches us to listen and obey. And as we declare his Word, we align to his will.

As the conference drew to a close, the altar was opened for ministry. Many ladies responded to the call and gathered to be ministered to. More than four hours had flown by. Challenged, encouraged and hopeful, the ladies departed to seek breakthroughs in their VUCA world.

The VUCA 2022 organising committee is thankful to God for his guidance and provision of inspiring speakers. TRAC WSCS is also grateful to TPMC and the pastors for hosting the conference.

To God be all the glory!

By TRAC WSCS / Photos courtesy of TRAC WSCS

