News, Touch

Brick by brick


Pasir Panjang Tamil Methodist Church (Emmanuel Tamil Annual Conference)
85 Wishart Road S(098727)
Sunday service: 10 am (Tamil and English)
Contact: 6273-5911 or email

We need bricks to build churches, but did you know that one local Methodist church played a key role in the production of bricks themselves?

Pasir Panjang Tamil Methodist Church (PPTMC) grew out of a small prayer group of Christian workers at Alexandra Brickworks, a brick factory that used to stand at the junction of Pasir Panjang Road and Alexandra Road in the 1920s.

Assisted by the Tamil Methodist Church, the group met for weekly worship, meditation and fellowship. They even came to be recognised by the Brickworks authorities, who built a chapel on the factory grounds for them to gather in, furnished by the Methodist Missions.

Not content to rest on their laurels, members of the fledging church began outreach at other brickworks in the area.

This concern for building up the Church and for the discipleship of believers has been a clear focus of PPTMC throughout its 86-year history, especially under the pastoral leadership of the Rev J. Daniel, who served the church for 27 years.

In 1972, the Alexandra Brickworks and its land changed hands, sending the church on a hunt for a new location, which was finally found at its current Wishart Road location.

Today, PPTMC has nurtured many leaders who are actively serving the Lord in various ministries. Mr T. Jeevanantham and Mr Stephen Shadrak are local preachers serving as supply pastors in Emmanuel Tamil Annual Conference.

PPTMC continues to build up not only the Church, but also the surrounding community. In collaboration with the Indian Activity Executive Committee or Narpani Pearavai of Telok Blangah Community Club, we provide financial support to needy families.

We recently invited some Telok Blangah residents to our Mother’s Day Celebration held in a void deck, where we shared the love of Christ. Our members also conduct legal clinics in collaboration with Tanjong Pagar Family Service Centre. Three of our members are involved in Prisons Ministry.

PPTMC continues to build and to work for God’s glory. On July 27, we launched a Tamil service at the Methodist Church of the Incarnation (MCI). We are thankful to the leader-ship of MCI for opening its doors for this work.

PRAY * that we will be able to reach out to residents in Teck Whye, Yew Tee, Chua Chu Kang and beyond.

Pictures by Pasir Panjang Tamil Methodist Church



We continue our series of profiling local churches from our three Annual Conferences of The Methodist Church in Singapore. As we come to have a better understanding of each other’s history and ministry, there may be opportunity to forge cross-church partnerships and collaborations.

The Mother’s Day Celebration held in a void deck in Telok Blangah attracted many residents, who got to hear the good news of Christ’s love.
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Philip Selvan Abraham is the Pastor-in-Charge of Pasir Panjang Tamil Methodist Church

