
Building One MCS

Church leaders meet to brainstorm collaboration ideas

Building OneMCS
Lay Leaders and Local Church Executive Committee Chairpersons across the three Annual Conferences got together to brainstorm ways and areas of working together under One MCS

It all begins with conversation. 


Over two Saturdays in February, 71 Lay Leaders and Local Church Executive Committee (LCEC) Chairpersons across the three Annual Conferences got together for worship, prayer, fellowship and conversation.  At the Methodist Centre Sophia Blackmore Hall, they formed groups of five—based on proximity of their church locations—to brainstorm ways and areas of working together under OneMCS, much like what the local church pastors have been doing.


It was a fruitful time. Among the ideas put forth was reaching out to migrant workers by churches able to speak their native languages. Another group suggested producing a musical together to bless their neighbours. Another thought of providing tuition in different languages for students in their neighbourhoods. Others suggested a dedicated OneMCS microsite for information about events and programmes across all 46 Methodist churches. 


The February sessions followed from the inaugural one in 2021 when the Lay Leaders met on Zoom to get to know one another and pray together. It was such an encouragement that they decided to include LCEC chairpersons for subsequent meetings. 


Moving forward, the hope is now that the conversations are off to a good start, the groups of five will keep them going.

Bishop Dr Gordon Wong at the One MCS brainstorm sessions

Henry Tan is the Conference Lay Leader of TRAC. / Photos courtesy of Henry Tan

