BECOMING a Christ-like people, full of grace and love, reaching the community through disciple-making – this is the direction set by the Chinese Annual Conference (CAC) for its members for the current quadrennium.
Disclosing this in his President’s Address at the 30th Session of the CAC at Geylang Chinese Methodist Church on Nov 15, 2005, CAC President Rev Khoo Cheng Hoot said that to fulfil this direction, CAC churches must press on with three main goals – church planting mission; evangelism; and mentoring.
On church planting, he suggested introducing a “cluster concept” to develop group synergy. This is to be an official grouping for the purpose of executing tasks as directed. The group is to brainstorm and establish an operational plan for planting churches.
The CAC’s evangelism programme should reach out to the dialect-speaking people as well. Churches are encouraged to use proven evangelistic tools. Churches are also encouraged to nurture and retain the next generation of worshippers. There should be emphasis on Christian parenting and the spiritual upbringing of children and youth.
Turning to mentoring, he said that there are two areas of concern – disciple-making and leadership development. New leaders need to be trained and equipped for the Great Commission. This is an important programme as it also forms part of the CAC’s self-renewal process.
The Rev Khoo highlighted the work of a new ministry – the Dialect Ministry. He disclosed that the Rev Koh Keok
Nguang was appointed the Director, and stressed the importance of this ministry by reminding the conference that the dialect congregation was the founding congregation of most of the CAC churches.
Time has changed, he said. Dialects are not so prevalent in today’s CAC churches, and so local churches may not see the Dialect Ministry as a priority. But this is still an important ministry.
A Hokkien Bible reading class had been conducted at Queenstown Chinese Methodist Church. Assistance is extended to Living Hope Methodist Church, a Trinity Annual Conference church, in launching Hokkien worship. But the Rev Khoo called for greater participation and co-operation among CAC churches for this ministry.
He made these other points:
• GOOD progress has been made by Sengkang Methodist Church in its fund-raising effort. It needs another $4.8 million to bring its account to a close.
• MORE churches are encouraging tithing, and members have responded faithfully.
• CHURCHES are self-sufficient except for two and those with building programmes.
• THERE has been only a slight increase in total membership.
Commenting on membership, the Rev Khoo said: “You have worked hard, but we need a breakthrough.” The conference ended with a Closing-cum-Ordination Service on Nov 17 at which the Rev Ng Beng Keow was ordained an Elder and Pastor Louis Ng was ordained a Deacon by Bishop Dr Robert Solomon.