
Cairnhill MC celebrates 25th anniversary with eyes set on Tengah

Cairnhill MC celebrates 25th anniversary with eyes set on Tengah
The Cairnhill Methodist Church family

If one were to recall Cairnhill Methodist Church (CaMC) in its pioneering days, there would be fond memories of the excitement of forming a new outreach point and establishing new relationships with her neighbours. Now 25 years later, we celebrated this milestone birthday with our eyes set on an even bigger target—ACS Tengah.

On 9 Feb 2023, it was announced that ACS (Primary) would be moving to new premises at Tengah in 2030 and become a co-ed school. ACS (Junior), which is currently operating at Winstedt Road, would eventually move to the Barker Road campus. This would have implications on CaMC’s future location as it is currently located on the same premises as ACS (Junior). It became clear that CaMC had to contemplate its future prayerfully.

In May 2023, CaMC discerned the Lord’s calling and direction to continue its mission field of a school and take on the challenge of being a Christian witness in a new town. The new ACS school at Tengah would have its first batch of students in 2030 and CaMC has plans to move to Tengah with ACS (Primary) in the same year.

Cairnhill MC celebrates 25th anniversary with eyes set on Tengah2
(left) TRAC President Rev Stanley Chua giving the benediction at the 25th Anniversary Lunch at Yan Palace (right) Cake-cutting moment. From left: Rev Ling Kin Yew, Rev Dr William Sam, Mr Henry Tan, Rev Stanley Chua, Audrey Wong, Dr Cheah-Foo Fung Fong, Chan Ming Thai and Simon Ng

At the Anniversary worship service, which was attended by 300 church members, leaders from TRAC and friends, TRAC President Rev Stanley Chua exhorted CaMC to summon “the faith that moves mountains” even as she embraces another pioneering phase at Tengah. We were challenged as a church to see the power of God at work through believing prayers.

A prayer drive (as opposed to a walk) at the site of the new town in Tengah took place after the service. The sounding of two shofars signalled the start of the drive which saw TRAC President and the Pastor-in-Charge of CaMC, Rev Dr William Sam, leading the way. As one, we prayed in our individual vehicles along the given route and gathered at a spot offering prayers of blessings and intercessions. “We have surveyed Tengah on our 25th anniversary. May we declare as Caleb did: Now therefore give me this mountain!” said Rev Dr Sam, referencing Joshua 14:12a.

It was a good time celebrating God’s faithfulness and anticipating our new mission. God has led CaMC to come this far from our humble beginnings in 1998. Tengah is now before us!

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(left) Matthew Visuvasan and Wilson Yeo flagging off the prayer drive with their shofars (right) Prayer drive at Tengah new town

Statement from the Council of Presidents

Regarding the projected move of one of the ACS primary schools to Tengah new town in 2031, the Council of Presidents* agreed that it would be right to ask the local church situated at the Winstedt Road campus (i.e. Cairnhill Methodist Church or CaMC) if they felt led to move with the ACS school as the “anchor” church in the new location.

After CaMC’s LCEC meeting on 2 May, they said, “We have sought the Lord through much prayer and heard his call for Cairnhill Methodist Church to go to Tengah to plant a Christian witness, to be a welcoming faith community to those residing in the new town, and to continue the work of making God known to the students of ACS (Primary).” The Council of Presidents are in favour of this move and have informed the General Conference Executive Council on 10 July.

Please pray with CaMC as they continue to think through the implications of such a move. The Presidents will lead the discussion with CaMC and other local churches as to which of our churches or congregations may be called to carry on the school ministry at the Winstedt Road campus (when CaMC moves out) until 2039.

*The Council of Presidents comprises the Bishop of The Methodist Church in Singapore, and the respective Presidents of the Trinity Annual Conference, Chinese Annual Conference and Emmanuel Tamil Annual Conference.

Melody Leong is a Preacher at Cairnhill Methodist Church. / Photos courtesy of Cairnhill Methodist Church

