Features, Highlights

Changi MC has ‘landed’ in Punggol!

Seven years ago, Changi Methodist Church (Changi MC) sensed God’s call to plant a preaching point in Punggol. Although we did not then have a location, we responded in faith, and the years since have been spent ‘tilling the field’ in Punggol – persevering service by members of the Punggol Preaching Point (PPP) Committee, volunteers from various Chinese Annual Conference churches, pastors (past and present), members and friends of Changi MC. The miraculous way in which doors began to open for us in a school in Punggol seemed a confirmation of God’s call.

Finally, we have seen God’s work bear fruit! Through the kindness of Gospel Light Christian Church (GLCC), Changi MC and our PPP began a 4 p.m. worship service in Punggol on 4 Feb 2018, at GLCC’s brand-new church building at 39 Punggol Field Walk. It was a milestone and a prayer answered for all of us!

Is the work done? Far from it! Punggol is set to be the largest town in Singapore, and plans were recently announced to develop Punggol into the likes of Silicon Valley, potentially generating 28,000 jobs. This is exciting news for those of us trying to establish a Methodist presence in Punggol. Many young workers and young families, together with their older parents and grandparents, will likely be drawn to Punggol. We will need many more hands to come alongside us in this burgeoning ministry.

How you can help

Join us as volunteers to mentor the children and youths in our Boys’ Brigade (BB) and Girls’ Brigade (GB) companies, and also to reach out to disadvantaged and distressed residents in Punggol.

  1. BB and GB companies in Greendale Primary School: We need adult mentors to befriend and provide character guidance to these primary school children. CCA meetings are held on Fridays, 2-4 p.m.
  2. Changi MC has partnered Methodist Welfare Services to set up Community Services in Punggol (CSP) to provide niche services to single-parent families in Punggol, as well as for the larger community of Singapore. CSP provides support to children from single-parent families through the Rainbows programme.
  3. Building of Punggol Volunteer Corps (PVC) to promote active citizenry through social action and responsibility, caring for the disadvantaged and distressed in the community. Volunteers are recruited through the BB and GB, schools, residents and non-residents of Punggol, the wider Punggol community, and members of Methodist churches.

Advocate for us – share our work with friends and church members, and invite those who stay in Punggol to attend our worship service.

Donate to PPP funds – write your cheque to “Changi Methodist Church PPP”, and mail it to “Changi Methodist Church, Sengkang Central Post Office, P.O. Box 865, Singapore 915408”.

Upcoming Events

Open House on 11 March 2018
4 p.m. Worship Service and Punggol Ministries Showcase
39 Punggol Field Walk, S(828753), Level 3, Light 2 Auditorium

Punggol Preaching Point Fundraising Dinner

28 April 2018, 7.30 p.m.
Ban Heng Pavilion Restaurant at Harbourfront Centre

Contact Ms June Tan at changimc1@gmail.com for details.

Jennifer Joy Goh –
is a Lay Ministry Staff of Punggol Preaching Point under Changi Methodist Church.

Photo by Hon Chee Seng

