News, Touch

Changi Methodist Church: His love endures forever

The people of Changi Methodist Church

God’s love has seen Changi Methodist Church (CGMC) through the years, from Chai Chee Chapel’s institution as a Local Conference in Oct 1989, our moves from building to building, to our landing in Punggol in Feb 2018. And on 20 Oct 2019, we celebrated our 40th anniversary with the theme “His Love Endures Forever”.

That day, God’s faithfulness was celebrated with ladies from the WSCS—including our oldest member, who is 97 years old—giving a lovely rendition of the Mandarin song “The Gift of Knowing You”. Another senior church member then narrated her memories of God’s unending love for CGMC as the congregation was taken through a slideshow of photos from over the years.

To wrap up the blast from the past, two young adults led an interactive segment—a trivia quiz in which the congregation could participate via their smartphones. The quiz brought about a learning of the church that planted CGMC at the very start, the churches that have hosted us, the number of years our Boys’ and Girls’ Brigade (BB and GB) companies have been running, and many more. We were reminded, over and over, of how God’s love endures forever.

We are now into our eighth year of ministry in Punggol, and we were graced by the presence of our many ministry supporters on that special day. Our church lay leader represented us in thanking various churches and leaders in CAC for their immense support over the years. Individuals who served in our BB and GB companies as well as Rainbows programme were also recognised. Through this segment of appreciation, members were reminded of how God has provided us with so many resources for Punggol Preaching Point.

Bishop Dr Chong Chin Chung’s sermon reiterated the message of God’s enduring love. Referring to Luke 18:1–8, Bishop Dr Chong encouraged us to pray unceasingly. If even the unjust judge in Jesus’ parable finally granted justice to the persistent widow, how much more will our God hear us if we cry out to Him day and night?

After 40 years of wandering, perhaps it is time for us to enter our “Promised Land”. We must never give up praying for God’s direction and favour in our ministry. May we invite you to join us in praying for Punggol, as we continue to work this plentiful harvest field.

Changi Methodist Church

(Chinese Annual Conference)

39 Punggol Field Walk, Level 3, Light 2 Auditorium, S(828753)

English service: Sunday 4.00 p.m.

Hokkien/Mandarin Fellowship: Sunday 3.00 p.m.

Transformation Kids (English): Sunday 4.30 p.m.

Transformation Youth (English): Sunday 5.30 p.m.


Bishop Dr Chong Chin Chung preaching at CGMC’s 40th anniversary service

Rachel Ng is a member of Changi Methodist Church.


Photos courtesy of Isabel Ng from Changi MC

