Charis Methodist Church began as the English congregation of Geylang Chinese Methodist Church in the 1970s. After much prayer and deliberation with the mother church, Charis MC was born on 1 Jan 1989, with the Rev Dr David Wu as the Pastor-in-Charge.
In 1993, Charis MC got its own “home” when it purchased 91 Koon Seng Road, which Pentecost MC had put up for sale.
Over the years, Charis MC has grown steadily in numbers, faith, and ministry. The congregation currently numbers about 650.
The church’s vision is to be “a people after God’s heart” (Acts 13:22). We seek to be a disciple-making church where our ministries are aligned to grow each believer as a disciple maker, both relationally and communally. We want to be attractive to those in our neighbourhood and win people to Christ.
In the early ’90s, the church established student care centres at Geylang Central to reach out to the community. Today, Charis MC continues its good work with Charis Activity Centre for Elders (ACE), in partnership with Methodist Welfare Services.
Some of our unique ministries include the church choir and the Joo Chiat Ministry. The church choir has a long history and has been instrumental in leading the congregation in worship as well as supporting fund-raising efforts and the Church Music Sunday. The Joo Chiat Ministry is the church’s effort to engage night workers of the restaurants and KTV lounges and the night-time community along Joo Chiat Road. The ministry team goes out to meet and bless them with small gifts, and share the love of Christ.
Being nestled in a landed residential area, the church is constrained by the limited places for parking nearby. Despite this, the church continues to grow. We praise God that the Urban Redevelopment Authority recently posted a notice for the re-zoning of 91 and 97 Koon Seng Road from “residential” to “place of worship”. With this re-zoning, we will embark on redeveloping the church block and integrate it with the House of Peniel. While the cost is a challenge, we believe that God will provide abundantly.
Rachelle Goh is the Communications and Archive Chair of Charis Methodist Church.
Charis Methodist Church
(Chinese Annual Conference)
91 Koon Seng Road, S(427032)
Sunday Services
English 1: 9.00 a.m. to 10.30 a.m.
English 2: 11.15 a.m. to 12.45 p.m.
Mandarin: 9.00 a.m. to 10.30 a.m.