Features, Highlights


“Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call His name Emmanuel, which being interpreted, is God with us.” ~ Matthew 1:23 (KJV)

On Christmas Day

ON Christmas Day a long time ago,
A baby was born to save the world.
His birth was marked by a brilliant star,
Which brought wise men from afar.
His birth was announced by angels who sang of peace on earth,
Praising God for the wondrous virgin birth.
On Christmas Day will God smile when He looks down,
To see a world moving towards peace and goodwill,
Or will He weep at a world torn by wars, hatred and terrorism?
Will He see His Church rejoicing in praise and worship,
Or will He grieve over indifferent and uncaring Christians,
Who have forgotten the reason for the season?
On Christmas Day when we awake,
Let us search our hearts and seek our Lord.
Say to Him, “Happy Birthday Jesus!”
Thank Him for His endless love,
Offer Him our lives, our best and our all,
Glorify our Redeemer, our Lord, Emmanuel.
Thank You Lord.
— By NG AI BOON, who worships at Barker Road Methodist Church.


May You Find This Christmas Inner Peace

MAY you find this Christmas inner peace
Equal to the patient love you give,
Releasing all the pain you can release,
Renewing all the grace with which you live.
Yearnings may you turn to rhapsodies,
Choosing to find happiness in beauty,
Holding in their haunting melodies
Riches that sustain your sense of duty.
In anger may you find an evening star
Showing you the way to Bethlehem.
The angels that watch naked from afar
May you hear sing of who would none condemn.
As all you love are blessed in having you
So may you feel the joy in all you do.

— By NICHOLAS GORDON, from the Internet.

