Happenings, News

Church leaders and LMS meet

FOR the first time, Lay Ministry Staff (LMS) and leaders from seven churches met for a fellowship lunch on Sept 14, 2002.

Among those present were the Rev Tan Cheok Kian and special guests, the Rev Deborah Li, Chairman of the Performing Artistes Gospel Fellowship of New York, the United States, and Mr Peter Zhen Wen, Chairman of the Artistes Fellowship of Singapore.

All churches represented supported the idea of staging a combined ministry celebration evening, co-operating in organising two regional outreach efforts, and holding regular fellowship/networking sessions among LMS and chairmen of the ministry in the new conference year.

The group was challenged to foster closer relationship and share resources for the ministry.

In another development, Christ, Faith and Fairfield Methodist churches held their outreach meetings on Sept 28 and 29, 2002 with the Rev Deborah Li and Mr Peter Zhen Wen as their special guests.

The evangelistic meetings ended with many decisions made for Christ through their testimonies and songs.

Come ‘Yum Cho Cha’

CHRIST Methodist Church holds a “Yum Cho Cha” (Breakfast Evangelism) on Saturday mornings at 9.

Launched in August 2002, its purpose is to help cultivate friendship among middle-aged adults and senior citizens. It also serves as an outreach event occasionally.

Mandarin Fellowship

BARKER ROAD Methodist Church held the inauguration worship service of its Saturday Mandarin Fellowship on Oct 13, 2002.

The Saturday Mandarin Fellowship was launched in March 2002 with about 30 people.

