Happenings, News

Church leaders from 4 countries due here for 8th GC

FIVE top church leaders from Malaysia, Indonesia, Britain and the United States will be attending the 8th General Conference of The Methodist Church in Singapore (MCS) to be held at Sophia Blackmore Hall, Methodist Centre, from Oct 18 to 23, 2004.

These guests are the newly-elected Bishop of The Methodist Church in Malaysia (a bishop was scheduled to be elected in late September), Bishop R. P. M. Tambunan and Bishop Bachtiar Kwee from Indonesia, Bishop Roy Sano from the United Sates, and Mr John Bell, Vice-President of The Methodist Church in Britain.

Members of the MCS are urged to pray for the conference, at which a bishop will be elected for the next quadrennium.

In November, the three Annual Conferences will be holding their respective 29th sessions.

Emmanuel Tamil Annual Conference (ETAC) will hold its 29th Session at Ang Mo Kio Tamil Methodist Church on Nov 12 and 13.

The Chinese Annual Conference (CAC) will hold its session at Queenstown Chinese Methodist Church from Nov 16 to 19, while Trinity Annual Conference (TRAC) will hold its session at Faith Methodist Church from Nov 22 to 25.

Following this, the General Conference-Women’s Society of Christian Service (GC-WSCS) will convene its 8th Session of the Quadrennial Conference at the Renaissance Hotel in Malacca from Nov 26 to 28.

All the three Annual Conferences and the GC-WSCS will be electing their own president to lead the next quadrennium.

