
Collaboration in Missions

Collaboration in Missions
Aldersgate Methodist Church and Holland Village Methodist Church running a Grade 9 Camp in June 2023

The adage, “It takes a village to raise a child”, particularly holds true when it comes to the Methodist community coming together to advance missions. For missions to grow and transform societies deeply and impactfully, the entire community is called to offer its diverse and abundant gifts in blessing those we serve. As a community, what we have to offer collectively can be used by God in far more widespread ways than what we have to offer individually.

Consider one of our youngest fields, Timor-Leste, as an example. MMS first started a hostel in 2016 to care for high school students from remote, mountain villages. Seeing a need to allow these students to transition seamlessly to tertiary education, a second hostel was established in 2019 to cater to university students and those undergoing vocational training. In the area of education, what started as a ministry to teach Christian values to one class of 7th graders in rented premises, has now progressed to the setting up of a modern well-equipped school, with boarding facilities for students from Grades 1-12. Beyond being discipled, beneficiaries are being equipped to transform their own communities. These ministries are already bearing fruit, and much more will be yielded in ways we cannot imagine as the blessings of God ripple throughout this new nation.

Sabai dental team sharing healthy teeth habits
Sabai dental team sharing healthy teeth habits

MMS ministries in Timor-Leste have benefitted from the combined contributions and efforts of missionaries from all three Annual Conferences, donors and volunteers from multiple cell groups and churches, a charitable trust, three schools and countless professionals and individuals from within the Singapore Methodist community. Any of these on their own would likely find it too difficult to carry the financial and human resource burdens required for the continued growth of these ministries. We are thankful for partners who have given sacrificially to these ministries over the years, and to the many partners and donors in all our ministries in the various MMS mission fields.

Vibrancy in missions is about being relevant and involved in the transformative work that God has put in our collective hearts to do—sharing the gospel, teaching Christian values, alleviating poverty, building human capacity and church planting. This vibrancy in missions is, in turn, reflected in our joy in the Lord, fulfilment of our earthly purpose, and in our worship in real and practical terms.

Each partner church or group should embrace the ministries and initiatives they support as their own, the field church as their own daughter church, and the believers as their own disciples. As in the example of Timor-Leste, only then can the ministries develop organically and expand to meet other areas of need.

While partners are encouraged to treat each field ministry as their own, MMS continues to serve an important role as it provides the framework that holds all the initiatives together, through clear strategic direction and strong governance processes, as well as communication with and to the wider community.

MMS Collaboration Offer

– Equip and facilitate the growth and development of missions across the denomination
– Promote missions, mobilise and rally resources in service of the field
– Lead in field development through a clear roadmap and strategy
– Disciple and nurture field clergy and lay leadership
– Administer missionary support system and ensure missionary welfare
– Ensure robustness of systems and policies for governance, stewardship and accountability

MMS and the entire Methodist community are on a journey together, one in which MMS hopes to become the missions agency of choice to the community. We look forward to having deeper conversations with the local churches, Annual Conferences and the wider community on how we can work together effectively, for the glory of God. Contact us for further information.

Ms Grace Chung
Stakeholder Engagement Manager
Methodist Missions Society

Email: grace.chung@methodist.org.sg
Contact: +65 8388 2383

Alvin Tan is the Chairperson of Methodist Missions Society and worships at Grace Methodist Church. / Photos courtesy of MMS

